Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications

What's New in This Release

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Setting Up Order Management for Industry Applications

About Asset-Based Ordering and Network Ordering

About Order Management for Industry Applications

Activating Workflows for Order Management for Industry Applications

About the Workflow for Order-To-Installation Tasks

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Telco Subscription Management in Open UI

About Telco Subscription Management in Open UI

Tasks for Configuring the Customer Dashboard

Configuring the Navigation Pane of the Customer Dashboard

Configuring the Action Launchpad of the Customer Dashboard

Configuring Customer Analytics

Using the Customer Directory

Using the Customer Dashboard

Tasks Using the Action Launchpad

Changing SIM Cards

Adding and Removing Barring Services

Using Bulk Onboarding of New Subscribers

Workflow Reference for Telco Subscription Management in Open UI

TOUI BOB Submit Process Workflow

TOUI BOB Cancel Process Workflow

TOUI QCSIM Generate Order Process Workflow

TOUI AssignBar Select Process Workflow

TOUI AssignBar Cancel Process Workflow

TOUI AssignBar Generate Order Process Workflow

TOUI AssignBar Get Delta Sub Process Workflow

TOUI AssignBar Get Selected Services Sub Process Workflow

TOUI Installed Asset Select Process Workflow

TOUI Generate Order Process Workflow

TOUI Get Selected Service Sub Process Workflow

TOUI Get Delta Sub Process Workflow

TOUI Set Value Sub Process Workflow

TOUI CSim Cancel Process Workflow

TOUI CSim Delete Process Workflow

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Employee Asset-Based Ordering

Updating Opportunities from Quotes

Processing a Quote Through the Order-to-Cash Process Integration Pack

Comparing Prices with Competitor Prices

Setting Up Service Charges for Products

About Synchronizing Product Attributes, Product Classes, Products, and Promotions

About Synchronizing Product Attributes

About Synchronizing Product Classes

About Synchronizing Products

About Synchronizing Promotions

Viewing Synchronized Extensible Product Fields

Defining Product Promotions

Defining Promotion Component Actions

About Defining Promotion Upgrades for a Group of Promotions

Upgrading Promotions

Upgrading Promotions (In-Memory)

Configuring the Pricing Signal Name for In Memory Promotion Upgrade Process Workflow

Defining Promotion Upgrade Aggregate

About Defining Promotion Merge

Example of Defining a Promotion Merge

About Defining a Promotion Split

Scenario for Defining a Promotion Split

Example of Defining a Promotion Split

About Dynamic Transform

Source Promotions Applet

Target Promotions Applet

Performing a Promotion Dynamic Transform

Configuring the Edit Promotion Product Selection

Scenario for Using Edit Promotion Product Selection

Defining User Interfaces for Bundled Promotions

Editing a Bundled Promotion

Processing Order Management Messages

About Bundling Components for a Promotion

Scenario for Bundling Components for a Promotion

Example of Bundling Components for a Promotion

Defining Bundled Promotion Compatibility Rules

About Promotion Components Using Two Nodes Associated with Two Service Accounts

Scenario for Using Different Service Account for a Promotion Component

About Promotion Component Commitments

Defining Component-Level Commitments

Defining Commitments for Promotion Components

Defining Component Commitments for Relationships

Defining Component Commitments and Agreement Items

Disconnecting Component Commitments

Scenario for Deleting a Promotion Containing a Committed Component

About Penalty Component Charges for Commitments

Selecting Asset-Based Promotion Recommendations

Ambiguity Detection and Resolution

Debundling Component Assets from a Promotion

About Visual Indicators for Promotions

Configuring the Projected Asset Cache Search Specification

Setting Up the Business Service User Properties

Configuring the Workflows

About Business Service and Workflow Configurations

About Promotion Transitions Ambiguity Resolution

Controlling Promotion Ambiguity Resolution

About Manually Resolving Ambiguous Promotion Transitions

Transferring an Ambiguous Component to a Target Promotion Definition

Removing a Promotion Component from the Target Promotion Definition

Defining Customizable Product Compatibility Rules

Configuring the Workflow for Promotion Penalties

Setting Up a Product for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Integration

Modifying the Order Priority Mapping

Processing a Sales Order Through Oracle Application Integration Architecture Integration

Managing Telephone Numbers for an Order

Building a Hierarchy of Orders

About Order Revisions and As Submitted Orders

Submitting an Order for Technical Service Qualification

About Time-Based Offerings

Process of Setting Up Time-Based Offerings

Creating Time-Based Offering Product Attributes (Administrator)

Creating a Time-Based Offering Product Class (Administrator)

Creating a Time-Based Offering Discount Product (Administrator)

Adding a Time-Based Offering Discount to a Bundled Promotion (Administrator)

About Managing Time-Based Offerings

Time-Based Offerings in New Orders

Example of Including a Time-Based Offering in a New Order

Time-Based Offerings in Changed Orders and Assets

Transferring Service to Another Location (User)

About Managing Bulk Requests

Roadmap for Configuring Bulk Requests

Configuring Cancellation Processing

Creating Bulk Import Template Files

Process of Adding Custom Fields to Import Template Files

Configuring Validation Rules for the Import Process

Configuring Bulk Request Validation to Improve Performance

Configuring the Import Process

Setting Up Bulk Requests on a Mobile Web Client

(Optional) Changing Processing for Action Sets

Process of Managing Bulk Requests

Creating a Bulk Request Header

Adding Bulk Request Data Manually

Importing Bulk Request Data from a Template File

Creating Bulk Requests with a Target List

(Optional) Validating a Bulk Request

Submitting a Bulk Request

Managing Exception Data in a Bulk Request

Viewing a Bulk Quote

Viewing a Bulk Order

About Bulk Request Processing

About Bulk Request Processing Logic

About Exploding an Action Set Template

About Exception Data in Bulk Requests

Process of Managing Prepaid Services

Designating Prepaid Services for Products and Promotions

Setting Up a Billing Profile for Prepaid Services

Topping Up a Balance for an Installed Asset

Viewing Prepaid Transaction Details

Process of Configuring Prepaid Services

Creating Outbound Web Services

Configuring Virtual Business Components

Importing Outbound Web Services into the Siebel Application

Adding Special Rating Items to a Quote or Order

Adding Special Rating Items to a Quote

Adding Special Rating Items to a Sales Order

About Managing Order Fallout

Viewing Fallout Orders and Order Line Items

Upgrading Promotions in Quote and Order Lines

Scenario for Working with Promotion Upgrades

Upgrading Promotions from a Quote or Order Line Item

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Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering

About Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering

Workflow That Generates Revenue Line Items for an Opportunity

SIS OM Update Revenue Workflow

Workflows to Edit Quote Line Items

SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item Workflow

SIS OM Add Service Charge Quote Sub-Process Workflow

Workflows to Edit Order Line Items

SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item Workflow

SIS OM Add Service Charge Order Sub-Process Workflow

Workflows to Submit an Order

Submit Order ASI Workflow

SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService Workflow

SIS OM Submit Order Process Workflow

Order Process Workflows Retained for Backward Compatibility

Workflows to Update Order Line Items

SIS OM Order Line Item Update Main Workflow

SIS OM UpdateOrderItem Workflow

SIS OM NSB Update Order Line Workflow

Workflows to Modify a Service Item

SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow

SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process Workflow

SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process Workflow

Workflows to Disconnect a Service Item

SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process Workflow

SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-Process Workflow

Workflows to Suspend or Resume Service Items

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Products & Services Process Workflow

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-Process Workflow

Workflows to Transfer a Service to Another Location

SIS OM Move Process Workflow

SIS OM Move Exception Handling Workflow

SIS OM Move Service Point Check Workflow

SIS OM Move Display Quote Workflow

Workflows to Validate a Network

VORD Validate (Quote) Workflow

VORD Validate (Order) Workflow

Workflows for Price Comparison

SIS OM PC Price Comparison Process Workflow

SIS OM Goto Price Comparison View Process Workflow

Workflows for Enrollment

SIS OM PC Enrollment Workflow

SIS OM PC Create Account Subprocess Workflow

SIS OM PC Go To Opportunity View Workflow

SIS OM PC Set Opportunity Account Workflow

CUT eSales - PC Enrollment Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Set Shopping Cart Price List Workflow

CUT eSales - PC Prepare Cart Process Workflow

SIS OM PC Go to Order Entry - Line Items View (Sales) Workflow

Workflows for Bulk Requests

ABO Bulk Request Import Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Validate Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Driver Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Parallel Sub Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Sub Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Prepare Action Set Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Inclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - All Exclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Add Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Modify Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Delete Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Suspend/Resume Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Upgrade Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Notify User Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Order Line Item Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Sub-Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Cancel Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Complex Asset Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Add Missed Items Sub Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - ApplyProductPromotion Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - ModifyWebService-Order Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Check Eligibility & Compatibility Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Products & Services Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Sub Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Asset Sub-process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Promotion Related Asset Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Update Matched Items Sub Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Explode Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - Explode Driver Workflow

ABO Bulk Request - All Instances Sub Process Workflow

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess Quotes Workflow

Workflow for Prepaid Services

SIA External Integration Process Workflow

Workflows to Calculate Prices for Orders

Basic Pricing Procedure Workflow

Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow

Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Workflow

Workflows to Process an Order

SWI Initial Load Non CP Order Release Workflow

SWIOrderUpsert_O2C Workflow

SWI Configurator Load Workflow

Oracle Configurator Load Workflow

SWISendATPCheck Workflow

SWISendATPCheckLine Workflow

SWISendCalculateShippingCharge Workflow

SWISendOrder Workflow

SWIReviseOrderValidation Workflow

SWICopyOrder Workflow

Verify Header (Order) Workflow

Verify Item (Order) Workflow

SWIValidateDependentOrders Workflow

SWIOrderUpsert Workflow

SWIOrderUpsertSubProcess Workflow

SWI TSQ Order Workflow

Workflows to Cancel an Order

SWICancel Sales Order Workflow

SWI Cancel Sales Order Line Item Workflow

SWI Cancel Sales Order_O2C Workflow

Workflows to Process a Quote

Submit Quote ASI Workflow

SWIQuoteUpsert Workflow

SWISendQuote Workflow

Workflows to Process Time-Based Offerings

SWISetTBOEndDate Workflow

SWI Asset Status Update Workflow

Workflows for Dynamic Transform

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Reprice Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Reprice Sub Process Workflow

Workflows for Ambiguity Resolution

ISS Promotion Collect Eligible List Workflow

ISS Promotion Ambiguity Resolution Process - Upgrade Workflow

ISS Promotion Cancel Ambiguity Process Workflow

Workflow for User Prompts

ISS Promotion Prompt Interactive Sub Process Workflow

Workflows for In-Memory Promotion Upgrades

ISS Promotion Modify Complex Asset Workflow

SIS OM Find Open Order Workflow

ISS Promotion Add New Promotion Sub Process

ISS Promotion Auto Assignment - In Memory Upgrade

ISS Promotion Update Matched Items Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Membership Handling Sub Process - In Memory Upgrade

ISS Promotion Load Membership Sub Process

ISS Promotion Upgrade Penalty Sub Process

ISS Promotion Finish Upgrade Sub Process

ISS Promotion Add Product Sub Process

ISS Promotion Edit Config Line Item

Workflows to Process Promotions

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Creating Communications Promotion Groups

About Promotion Groups

Scenario for Working with Promotion Groups

Process of Setting Up Promotion Groups (Administrators)

Creating Promotion Group Membership and Reward Products

Creating Promotion Group Definitions

Adding Membership Definitions to a Promotion Group Definition

Adding Reward Definitions to a Promotion Group Definition

Mapping Promotion Groups to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Sharing Groups

Adding Promotion Group Definitions, Membership Definitions, and Reward Definitions to Price Lists

Setting Pricing Adjustments for Memberships, Rewards, and Assets

Adding Commitments to a Promotion Group Definition

Creating Eligibility Rules for Promotion Group Definitions

Creating Compatibility Rules in Promotion Group Definitions

Defining Asset Membership Cardinality Rules

Applying Validation Rules to Promotion Group Definitions

Defining Access Control Rules for Promotion Group Members

Associating Promotion Group Definitions with Catalog Categories

Setting Up Notifications to Promotion Group Members

Releasing a Promotion Group Definition

Deactivating a Promotion Group Definition

About Managing Promotion Groups

Roadmap for Managing Promotion Groups (Users)

Process of Creating Promotion Groups

Creating New Promotion Group Instances

Adding Memberships to a Promotion Group

Associating Assets with a Promotion Group Membership

Defining Promotion Group Membership Attribute Values

Process of Managing Promotion Groups

Viewing the Details of a Promotion Group

Accessing the Promotion Group Components

Adding Memberships to a Promotion Group

Modifying Promotion Group Memberships

Disconnecting Promotion Groups

Disconnecting Promotion Group Memberships

Process of Managing Promotion Group Members

Viewing Membership Information for an Asset

Adding Members to a Promotion Group

Disconnecting Promotion Group Members

About Promotion Group Memberships in Upgraded and Downgraded Promotions

Promotion Group Disconnect Reference

Promotion Group Access Control Reference

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Task UI Flows

About the Task UI

Creating a New Promotion Group Instance

About Creating a Promotion Group Instance with the Task UI

Scenario for Creating a Promotion Group Instance with the Task UI

Creating a Promotion Group Instance with the Task UI

Resuming a Paused Task UI Operation

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Workflows for Promotion Groups

About Workflows for Promotion Groups

Workflows That Process Promotion Group Assets

ISS Promotion Group Asset List Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Associate Member Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Associated Member Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Membership Disconnect Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process Workflow

Workflow That Modifies the Promotion Group

ISS Modify Promotion Group Workflow

Workflows That Verify Product Compatibility

Product Compatibility - Default Workflow

Product Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess Workflow

Product Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess Workflow

Workflows That Process Compatibility Rules

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess Workflow

ISS Promotion Asset Membership Compatibility Workflow

Workflows That Process Agreements

Configurator Product Info Lookup Workflow

ISS Promotion Agreement Management Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Create Agreement Details Workflow

Workflows That Validate Quotes and Orders

ISS Promotion Verify SubProcess Workflow

ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Check Commitment Sub Process Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Validate (Order) Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Validate (Quote) Workflow

Workflows That Calculate Promotion Group Pricing

PSP Driver Workflow Process Workflow

Pricing Promotion Group - Asset Membership Sub Process Workflow

Pricing Procedure - Promotion Group Discount Workflow

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Partner Asset-Based Ordering

About Order Management in Siebel Partner Relationship Management

Scenario for Partner Asset-Based Ordering

Order Management with Standard Partner Commerce

Adding Items to a Shopping Cart (Standard Partner Commerce)

Customizing an Item (Standard Partner Commerce)

Revising Shopping Cart Contents (Standard Partner Commerce)

Adding Bulk Items to the Shopping Cart (Standard Partner Commerce)

Saving a Shopping Cart as a Quote or Quote Template (Standard Partner Commerce)

Converting a Quote to an Order (Standard Partner Commerce)

Processing an Order Checkout (Standard Partner Commerce)

Adding Quote Template Items to the Shopping Cart (Standard Partner Commerce)

Entering Shipping Information (Standard Partner Commerce)

Using the Credit Card Payment Method (Standard Partner Commerce)

Using the Bill Me Payment Method (Standard Partner Commerce)

Using the Billing Account Payment Method (Standard Partner Commerce)

Using the Purchase Order Method (Standard Partner Commerce)

Reviewing and Submitting an Order (Standard Partner Commerce)

Revising an Order (Standard Partner Commerce)

Selecting Billing and Service Accounts (Standard Partner Commerce)

Modifying an Order (Standard Partner Commerce)

Disconnecting an Order (Standard Partner Commerce)

Order Management with Power Partner Commerce

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Workflows for Partner Asset-Based Ordering

CUT eChannel - New Products & Services Process Workflow

CUT eChannel - Goto Product Catalog View Workflow

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Customer Asset-Based Ordering

About Customer Asset-Based Ordering

Scenarios for Customer Asset-Based Ordering

Adding Bulk Items to the Shopping Cart

Modifying a Service Item

Disconnecting a Service Item

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Workflows for Customer Asset-Based Ordering

About Workflows for Customer Ordering

Workflows That Process an Order Checkout

CUT eSales - Checkout Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Set Quote Account Info Workflow

eSales - Complete Checkout Process Workflow

eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process Workflow

eSales - Set Primary Account Address Workflow

eSales - Save Shipping Address Workflow

eSales - Enter Payment Details Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Bill Me Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Prepare Quote Process Workflow

eSales - Authorize Order Process Workflow

Workflow That Ungroups Quotes

CUT eSales - Ungroup Quote Workflow

Workflow That Creates an Order for a Quote

CUT eSales - Order Quote Process Workflow

Workflow That Edits a Delta Quote Line Item

CUT eSales - Edit Delta Quote Line Item Workflow

Workflows That Revise an Order

CUT eSales - Revise Order Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Goto Revise Order View Workflow

Workflow That Rejects an Order

eSales - Reject Order Process Workflow

Workflows That Modify Products and Installed Assets

CUT eSales - Modify Products and Services Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Prepare Shopping Cart Process - Interactive Workflow

Workflows That Disconnect Products and Services

CUT eSales - Disconnect Products and Service Process Workflow

CUT eSales - Prepare Shopping Cart Process Workflow

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Setting Up Network Ordering

About Network Ordering

About Cross-Network Validation

Process of Defining Compound Products for a Network

Defining Products for the Network

Defining Business Services for Rule Checkers

Defining Maximum and Minimum Quantities for Network Components

Defining Error Messages for Compound Product Rules

Defining Simple Expression Rules for Compound Products

Setting Up Premises

About the Compound Product Validation Engine

Example of Defining Compound Products for a Network

About Configuring Network Ordering

Enabling and Disabling Cross-Network Validation

User Property Reference for Cross-Network Validation





Configuring Cascade Deletion for a Disconnected Network

About Creating Custom Rule Checkers

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Using Network Ordering

Process of Ordering New Networks

Creating an Account and Locations for a New Network

Creating a Quote for a New Network

Adding Nodes to a New Network

Adding Connections to a New Network

Validating a Quote for a Network

Creating an Order for a New Network

Converting a Completed Network Order to Assets

Viewing a Network as a Billing or Service Item

Process of Ordering New Sites in Existing Networks

Adding a Location for a New Network Site

Creating a Quote for a New Network Site

Adding a Node for a New Network Site

Adding a Connection for a New Network Site

Validating a Quote for a New Network Site

Creating an Order for a New Network Site

Converting an Order for a New Network Site to Assets

Process of Upgrading Bandwidth at Network Sites

Displaying a Network to Upgrade

Upgrading Bandwidth at a Network Site

Upgrading Bandwidth of a Network Connection

Validating a Network After Bandwidth Upgrade

Creating an Order to Upgrade Bandwidth

Converting a Completed Order to Upgrade Bandwidth to Assets

Process of Disconnecting a Site from a Network

Disconnecting a Network Node and Connections

Validating a Network After Site Disconnection

Creating an Order to Disconnect a Network Site

Updating Assets After Network Site Disconnection

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Ambiguity Resolution

Sum of Assets Greater Than MAX Cardinality

Same Product Component Twice

Multiple Assets of the Same Product

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Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.