Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Testing Personalization Rules > About Using the Log File >

Enabling Personalization Event Logging

See also About Using the Log File and Testing Siebel Personalization.

The following procedure describes how to enable Personalization event logging.

To enable Personalization Event logging

  1. Take one of the following actions, as appropriate.

    You are using the Siebel Mobile Web Client

    Add an entry to the [Siebel] section of the configuration file for your application as follows:

    PersonalizationLog = <directory path for log file + file name>

    For example,

    PersonalizationLog = C:\Temp\Personalization.txt

    You are using the Siebel Web Client

    Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen > Servers view, and click the Components tab. 

  2. Select the appropriate object manager from the components list, for example Call Center Object Manager (ENU), then click the Parameters subtab.
  3. Select the Application Personal Log parameter from the advanced parameters list, and edit the following fields:

    NOTE:  To display the advanced parameters list, click the Advanced button in the Component Parameters applet.


    Current Value

    Directory path for the log file

    Value on Restart

    Directory path for the log file

Hidden Application Personal Log Parameter

In Siebel CRM version 7.8, the Application Personal Log parameter is hidden and can only be accessed from the server manager command line.

You can use following commands for hidden parameters:

  • To List: list advanced parameters for comp <comp_alias>
  • To Change: change param <ParamName>=<Paramvalue> for comp <comp_alias>
  • To Delete: Delete parameter override for comp <comp_alias> param <ParamName>

To make sure personalization and runtime events are on and a log can be obtained, perform the steps in the following procedure.

To enable Personalization Event Logging when the Application Personal Log parameter is hidden

  1. Log in to server manager and issue the following commands:

    spool c:\list_of_hidden_parameters.txt
    list advanced parameters for comp UCMObjMgr_enu
    spool off

    This generates the following file at the following location:


    You can change the file name and location.

  2. Open the file and check the parameter values:
    • Set CFGEnableRuntimeEvents to True:

    change param CFGEnableRuntimeEvents=True for comp UCMObjMgr_enu

    • Set tCFGEnablePersonalization to True (this is the equivalent of Application Enable Personalization):

    change param CFGEnablePersonalization=True for comp UCMObjMgr_enu

    • Set CFGPersonalLog to the full path and filename to generate the log:

    change param CFGPersonalLog=c:\personalization.log for comp UCMObjMg

  3. After the changes, restart the server and gateway.
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