Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Pricing for Products with Components >

Viewing a Product's Components in the Pricing Designer

You can use the Pricing Designer to display the relationships and components of a product with components. You can query by relationships to look at all the component products available within a specific relationship.

The CP Pricing Designer displays a superset structure of the root product with components. It displays a consolidated view of all the versions of the root product with components that might exist in the price list during a given time interval. Thus, you might see products in a relationship in Pricing Designer that do not exist in the latest released version of the root product with components. They are visible in the pricing designer for the root product with components because they exist in released version of the product with a future date. Therefore, the structure of the root product in the pricing designer may not be identical to the latest released version of the root product. The Pricing Designer is sensitive to the start and end date of the root product with components on the price list, so the content of the Pricing Designer may vary for different time intervals.

To view a product's components in the pricing designer

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Pricing screen, then Price Lists view.
  2. In the Price Lists list, select the price list that contains the product.
  3. Click the Price List Line Items view tab to display the products in the price list.
  4. In the Price List Line Items list, click the name of the root product with components.

    NOTE:  The root product with components might have multiple entries on the price list for the different time intervals, so you must pick the root product with components with the appropriate time interval.

    The Pricing Designer view appears.

    NOTE:  Using the New Effective Date button on the Price List Line Item applet for a product with components causes a deep copy that also copies any customizable product adjustments defined for the product. Delete the adjustments that do not apply in the new time interval.

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