Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Using Cost Lists >

Using Asset Mapping to Value Assets

When you use asset mapping, an asset is valued as a percentage of its value on the cost list. The percentage can be based on the current condition of the asset. For example, a new asset in excellent condition would be 100% of the cost list value, while a used asset in average condition would be 40% of the cost list value.

Adjustments depend on the Condition, Value Basis, Cost List, and Cost Method fields for each asset. These factors are used to calculate the Asset Values and the Replacement Costs on the Assets screen, Value view.

If there are no asset mapping records and a cost list is specified, then the Assets screen, Value view uses the asset cost from the Cost List Line Items view. For more information about assets, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

NOTE:  Asset mapping applies to product lines and to all assets that belong to the same product line and cost list.

To map the cost of assets for specific product lines

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Pricing screen, then Cost List screen.
  2. In the Cost Lists list, select a cost list.
  3. Click the Asset Mapping view tab.
  4. In the Asset Mapping form, add a new record and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table:

    Cost Field

    Select the value that is used as the basis of the cost calculation. options are as follows:

    • Asset Value. This calculation is based on the original cost of the product.
    • Replacement. This calculation is based on the cost list value of the product.


    Select the condition of the asset.

    Value Basis

    Select the value basis of the asset. The value of the asset is adjusted based on your selection. options are as follows:

    • Scrap. This is the value of the asset as scrap. In many cases, this involves depreciating to zero.
    • Original. This is the original basis for the value of the asset.
    • Adjusted. This is an adjustment based on a one-time event. For example, you could use this if you drop the asset and the damage reduces its value.
    • New. This is an adjustment for a new product. For example, a new car drops in value as soon as you drive it off the car lot.
    • Refurbished. This is the value of the asset when it is refurbished.
    • Used. This is the value of the asset when it is sold as used.

    Cost Method

    This is the same cost method used in the Cost List Line Items view.


    You can leave the Condition and Value Basis fields blank and instead enter a value in the Factor field, which specifies the percentage of its cost at which this asset is valued.

    If Condition or Value Basis are entered, then they override the Factor field.

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