Siebel Product Administration Guide > Siebel Configurator API Reference > Instance APIs to Set Product and Attribute Values >

GetLinkItemValues Method

This method retrieves the linked item values. Use it as follows:

  1. Clear the cache values if specified by the caller.
  2. For the search specification set by the caller:
    • If only RootProductId is given and no child property sets are given, try to find only the values for LinkItems that are under the given RootProductId.
    • If both RootProductId and Child Property Sets are given, try to find only the values for LinkItems that are defined in the child property sets.
Input Arguments
  • ClearValues. Y or N. Clears all cached Link Item Values.
  • GetAllValues. Y or N. Gets all values from the cache or only the values passed in for the search specification.
  • RootProductId. Root Product Id.
  • LIVersionId. Root Product Version Id (optional).
  • Child Property Set (0) Type: LinkedItem:
    • ProductId. Product Id
    • VersionId. (optional) Version Id
    • InClass. Y or N.
    • LinkItemId. Link Item Id
  • Child Property Set (1) Type: LinkedItem:
    • ProductId
    • VersionId (optional) Version Id
    • InClass. Y or N.
    • LinkItemId. Link Item Id
Output Arguments

Each linked item is returned as a child property set as follows:

  • Child Property Set Type: LinkedItem:
    • CxLnkItmId. Link Item Id.
    • CxLnkItmName. Link Item Name.
    • CxLnkItmDesc. Description.
    • CxLnkItmDef. Definition.
    • CxLnkItmIsActive. IsActive Flag.
    • CxLnkItmValue. Value.
    • CxLnkItmDisplayValue. Display Value.
    • CxLnkItmType. Type.
    • CxLnkItmProductId. Product Id where this linked item is defined.
    • CxLnkItmVersionId. Version Id of the previous product.
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