Siebel Product Administration Guide > Multilingual Translations for Product Data >

About Product Data Translation

You can specify language translations for the following data:

  • Product description
  • Product class display name
  • Attribute display name
  • Attribute definition name
  • Attribute list of values

In addition, for products with components, you can translate the following data:

  • Configuration rule explanation
  • Relationship name
  • UI group name
  • UI property value

The process for translating each of the types of product data is the same. The Product Administrator selects the desired item, selects a language, and then enters the translation for the item. This creates a record containing the translation. The Product Administrator can create multiple translation records for an item.

When users log in to either Quotes or to an eSales Web page and specifies a language, they see the item translations for that language entered by the Product Administrator.

In some cases, the lists that display items that can be translated include a field called Translate. This field is unrelated to setting up data for multilingual translation and must be ignored.

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