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GetAttribute Method

The GetAttribute method gets the value of an attribute for an item in the customizable product. This method can also be used to get attribute values for attributes of the customizable product.

If multiple instances of an item have the same path, the Siebel Configurator engine randomly picks one instance. Users can reference a particular instance of a product by using $Int.[<id>] to specify the integration id in the product path.


GetAttribute (ObjPath, AttName) as String

Input Arguments


The full path of the component product. For attributes of the customizable product, specify the path of the root product. Use product path syntax to specify the path.


The name of an attribute of the component product or customizable product.


The name of component products. Can be used only for component products within the customizable product.


This API returns a string. If it is successful, the string contains the Language Independent Code (LIC) value of the attribute. If it is not successful, the string is empty.


Ptype = GetAttribute("$.[Life Insurance]#1", "PlanType")

AttVal = GetAttribute("$.[RootProd1]#1.[Rel1]#[ChildProd1]", "attr1");

AttVal = GetAttribute ("$Int.[12-4JEFK]", "Color");

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