Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide > Resource Management > End-User Procedures for Resource Management >

Assigning Resources to a Project

When you review an individual's availability and determined that the individual meets the needs of the project, you can assign the individual to the project as a resource.

To assign a resource to a project

  1. Navigate to the Resource Requests screen.
  2. From the visibility filter, select the appropriate view.
  3. Drill down on the Request ID field hyperlink for a resource request record with which you are working.
  4. Click the Potential Resources tab.
  5. In the Potential Resources list, select the individual you want to assign to the project, click Menu and then click Add To Project Team.

    The individual now appears in the User ID field, the Last Name field, and the First Name field, as well as the Team Workbook in the associated project.

    NOTE:  End users can also directly assign a resource to a role by populating the User ID field in the Team Workbook or the Resource Requests screen.

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