Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Architecture of Siebel Remote >

How Siebel Remote Uses Siebel Servers

This topic describes how Siebel Remote uses the Siebel Server. For a visual representation of where some of the components that this topic describe reside on the Siebel Server, see How Siebel Remote Flows Data Through the Architecture.

About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server

A Siebel Enterprise is a system that includes all users on all Siebel Servers in an environment that includes multiple Siebel Servers. The Siebel Enterprise Server is a logical grouping of Siebel Servers that support a group of users who access a common server database in a multiple server environment. You can configure, manage, and monitor the Siebel Servers that the Siebel Enterprise Server contains as a single, logical group that allows you to start, stop, monitor, or set parameters for all of these servers. For an example of a Siebel Enterprise, see Figure 8. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Server Folders That Siebel Remote Uses for Remote Clients

Siebel Remote uses a separate folder and subfolders that reside on the Siebel Server for each registered remote client. The Database Extract server component creates these folders.

CAUTION:  The installation program creates a folder named txnproc in the SIEBEL_ROOT\docking folder. You must not modify the contents of this folder under any circumstances.

The following example includes a portion of the tree of the siebsrvr folder on the Siebel Server after Siebel Remote extracts databases for remote clients named Adams and Scott:


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