Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Siebel Remote > Recovering from a Failure >

Recovering from a Failed Siebel Database

If the RDBMS fails, then the Siebel database administrator must diagnose and correct the problem. When Siebel CRM returns to an operational state you can use the Server Manager to restart the server components that Siebel Remote uses. These components automatically recover their process states from the last committed transaction. A reextraction of the remote clients might be required in the following situations:

  • If the Siebel database recovered up to the point of failure, then no action is required because there is no loss of data.
  • If the Siebel database recovered up to a time that occurs before the point of failure, then you must reextract and reinitialize all remote clients. In this situation, you do the procedure that this topic describes.

To recover from a failed Siebel database

  1. Restore the Siebel database from a backup.
  2. Disable the Synchronization Manager server component.
  3. Stop any tasks that are running for the following server components:
    • Transaction Router
    • Transaction Merger
    • Transaction Processor
  4. Reextract all remote clients.
  5. Start the Transaction Processor task.
  6. Start the Transaction Router and Transaction Merger tasks.
  7. Enable the Synchronization Manager server component.
  8. If the user synchronized between the time the backup was completed and the time that the failure occurred, then you must do the following:
    1. Rename the following database:


    1. Reinitialize the remote client.

      Any modifications in the local database that were not sent to the Siebel Server are lost.

      If the Siebel database extract was run with the following parameter set to TRUE, then none of the remote client modifications are lost:

      Save Client Transaction

  9. If the user synchronized before the backup was completed, then you can download a new database for the remote client.
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