Siebel Reports Guide > Customizing Siebel CRM Reports > Customizing Reports That Use Parameters >

Adding Scrollbars to the Parameters Section of the Run Report Pane

Siebel CRM displays report parameters in the Parameters section of the Run Report pane in a single list. If you specify a large number of report parameters in a report template, then the user might not be able to choose some values, particularly if the user uses a computer that is set to a small screen resolution. You can configure Siebel CRM to display a scrollbar to avoid this problem.

To add scrollbars to the Parameters Section of the Run Report Pane

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, click Applet.
  3. In the Applets list, query the Name property for Report Parameters Applet.
  4. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click Applet User Prop.
  5. In the Applet User Properties list, query the Name property for Display Scrollbar.
  6. Modify the Value property, as necessary.

    Siebel CRM displays the scrollbar if the report template includes the number of parameters that you specify in the Display Scrollbar property. For example, if you specify five report parameters in the report template, and if you specify a value of 5 in the Display Scrollbar property, then Siebel CRM displays a scrollbar. Siebel Tools sets the value of the Display Scrollbar property to 25, by default.

    Siebel CRM uses this configuration for all reports that use report parameters and for all users.

  7. Compile the SRF.
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