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About Siebel CRM REST API Response Links

A link in the Siebel CRM REST API response contains a location of a resource and metadata about that resource.

The Siebel CRM REST API response can include the following types of links:

  • self link. The original URL that generated the response.
  • canonical link. The URL for the same resource as the top level resource. If you are already viewing the resource as a top-level resource, then this URL is the same as self. If this resource is not available as a top-level resource, then this link shows child resource context.
  • parent link. The URL for the parent resource details. This URL of the parent resource is returned in the response only when retrieving details about a child resource.
  • child link. The URL for the child resource details. The URL returns the path to retrieve each child collection for this record. The href attribute contains the child value. A response can return several child links.
  • association link. The URL of a specific resource included in the response. There can be many association links.

Each Siebel CRM REST API response link can include the following types of attributes:

  • rel. Indicates the relationship of the linked resource to the current resource that contains the list of links. Values include: Self, Parent, Child, and Canonical.
  • href. Indicates the fully qualified location URL of the linked resource.
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