Siebel REST API Guide > Overview of Using the Siebel REST API >

About Siebel CRM REST API

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a software architecture style that provides a convenient and consistent approach to requesting and modifying data. In the Siebel CRM RESTful system, resources are stored on the Siebel Server; a client sends a request using an HTTP verb (such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) that the Siebel Server perform a particular action (such as querying, inserting, upserting, or deleting a Siebel CRM resource), and the Siebel Server performs the action and sends a response.

The Siebel REST API is implemented as part of the existing EAI component group, so enabling the EAI component group will enable the REST related components on the Siebel Server. The Siebel REST API exposes Siebel Business Objects, Siebel Business Services, and Siebel Repository Objects. For more information about Siebel Business Objects, Siebel Business Services, and Siebel Repository Objects see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

The following are the salient aspects of the Siebel REST API that are aligned with general best practices of REST APIs:

  • A base URI to access Siebel Server resources, for example:

    http://Server Name:port/siebel-rest/

  • Support for JSON resource representations.
  • Operations on Siebel CRM resources are mapped to semantically similar HTTP methods, such as GET, PUT, POST, AND DELETE.
  • Hypertext links to Siebel CRM Child Business Components in the case of the Data API resources in the REST API response.
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