Siebel Financial Services Enterprise Application Integration Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Siebel Financial Services Enterprise Application Integration

About Siebel Financial Services Enterprise Application Integration

Legacy Encapsulation

Peer-to-Peer Integration

Other Integration Strategies

Components of Siebel Financial Services EAI

XML and Siebel Financial Services EAI

ACORD XML and Siebel Financial Services EAI

IFX XML and Siebel Financial Services EAI

Siebel Financial Services EAI Adapters and Connectors

Siebel Virtual Business Components

Details of Siebel Financial Services EAI

Configurable and Upgradeable Integration


Declarative Integration

Data Transformation

Siebel Database as Master for CRM

Siebel Database as Integrator for Other Systems

Siebel Application as Front-End Integrator for Other Systems

Siebel Financial Services EAI Connectors

Siebel Connector for IFX XML

Siebel Connector for ACORD XML

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Siebel Financial Services EAI Architecture

Layered Architecture

Integration Requirements and Siebel Financial Services EAI

Business Process Coordination Using Workflows

Transport Mechanisms

Industry XML Connector

Industry XML Transaction Manager

Industry XML Data Transformation Engine

Industry XML Converter

Industry XML Dispatcher

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Understanding Financial Services Integration Paradigms


Design Decisions

Usage Models

Real Time


Access Mechanisms

Application Connectors

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Financial Services EAI Business Scenarios


Common Integration Scenarios

Outbound Message to a File

Round Trip Message from a File to Siebel and Back

Round Trip Message from an External Application

Round Trip Message to an External Application

Inbound Message from an External Application

Outbound Message to an External Application

Data Access and Replication

Accessing Customer History Information

Exporting Contact Information

Replicating a Company Catalog

Updating Siebel Using Java Beans

Data Sharing Across the Enterprise

B2B Integration

Legacy Data Integration

ERP Integration

Data Transformation

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Predefined Financial Services EAI Business Services

Predefined Financial Services EAI Business Services

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Industry XML Connector Factory APIs

Industry XML Connector Factory Classes

Industry XML Connector Factory Classes Methods

Transaction Manager Factory Class Methods

Data Transformation Engine Factory Class Methods

Converter Factory Class Methods

Dispatcher Factory Class Methods

Industry XML Connector Factory Method Arguments

Siebel Connector for Credit Card Application XML

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Siebel Financial Services Enterprise Application Integration Guide Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.