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About Synchronizing Records During the Ongoing Extract Process

This topic describes record synchronization during the ongoing extract process. For information on the initial extract process, see About Synchronizing Records during Initial Extract and About SSSE Contact Record Matching.

The ongoing extract process is similar to the initial extract process but differs in the following respects:

  • The only record changes that ongoing extract evaluates are the changes that have taken place since the last time the user was successfully synchronized.
  • If a Siebel record and a Microsoft Exchange record were associated with each other in a previous synchronization, then key fields are not used to determine what action to take. Instead, record IDs are used when determining whether a Siebel record or Microsoft Exchange record has changed. This allows users to change values in key fields while preserving the association between a Siebel record and a Microsoft Exchange record.
  • If a record changes in both the Siebel environment and the Microsoft Exchange environment between synchronizations, then SSSE treats the situation as an update conflict. The changes in the Siebel environment are preserved and the Microsoft Exchange environment inherits these changes through synchronization.

    NOTE:  You can change the SSSE default behavior so that when update conflicts occur, the changes in the Microsoft Exchange environment are preserved and are written to the Siebel environment. For information, see Changing SSSE Default Values For Synchronization Conflicts.

  • In general, if a record is modified in one environment but is deleted in the other, then the record is deleted in the remaining environment at the next synchronization. However, the behavior differs slightly depending on which domain is involved, where the deletion occurs, and when the deletion occurs, as follows:
    • If a Siebel contact, task, or calendar record is synchronized with Microsoft Exchange and the user deletes it in Microsoft Exchange before that user's next synchronization occurs, then the next synchronization does not delete or otherwise affect the Siebel record.
    • If, instead, the user's data is synchronized successfully at least once between the initial synchronization to Microsoft Exchange and the deletion of the record in Microsoft Exchange, then the results are as described as follows:
      • If a user deletes a task in Microsoft Outlook, then SSSE deletes the corresponding Siebel task record.
      • If a user deletes a contact record in Microsoft Outlook that does not have the Private check box selected, then SSSE removes the user from the Sync List for the corresponding Siebel business contact record. SSSE does not delete the Siebel business contact, because that contact might be shared with other users or have data associated with it that is needed.
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