Siebel Search Administration Guide > Filter Search Specifications Syntax for Oracle Secure Enterprise Search > Filter Search Specification Syntax >

Filter Search Specification Examples

Assigning a search expression to an object definition's Search Specification property is similar to the predefined query's expression; however, identifying the business component and specifying the reserved word Search is not required.

NOTE:  The Search Specification expression must be on one line. If more than one line is used the search specification might not be processed correctly.

The following are examples of filter search specification syntax:

  • [Close Date] > "04/15/07"
  • [Sales Tool Type] LIKE "Cal*"
  • [Start Date] >= Today () AND [End Date] <= Today() + 100
  • [Solution Type] = LookupValue ("SOLUTION_TYPE", "Solution") AND ([Publish External] = "Y"
  • [PriceListId]=GetProfileAttr("DefaultPriceListId")

NOTE:  For date formats in filter Search Specification, use the business component format. To reference a field value, you must use [Filter Field Name]. Also, string constants must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("string").

The fields declared must exist within the designated search filter field object definition.

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