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Creating Search Run-Time Events for Custom Search Objects

Search run-time events must be created for any custom search object that you create. Run-time events must be created to enable incremental indexing and refresh indexing for custom Search Objects. This topic covers configuration of search runtime events for monitoring create, update and delete events executed on Search Objects in the data repository. These runtime events can be customized to monitor any type of event. The Action Sets create records in the transaction table and trigger the Search Content business service method UpdateIndex(). See Siebel Personalization Administration Guide for more information on Siebel Run-Time Events.

To create Search run-time events for custom search objects

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Runtime Events screen, then the Action Sets view.
  2. Query on the Update Index Action Set.
  3. Click the Event Aliases tab.
  4. Click the New button on the Event Alias screen.
  5. Complete the Event Alias fields for each buscomp create, update and delete operation. Use the Service Request values in the following table for reference.
    Object Type
    Object Name

    Service Request - New


    Service Request


    Service Request - Write


    Service Request


    Service Request - PreDelete


    Service Request


  6. Select Save Record.
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