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Configuring Search Engine Settings for Siebel Remote

This topic covers configuration of the Search Engine Settings view for Siebel Remote.

To configure search engine settings for Siebel Remote

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Mobile Search screen, then the Search Engine Settings view.
  2. Complete the search engine fields. The fields are described in the following table:

    Batch Submit Size

    The number of records submitted at a time in each feed for indexing. Set the value to less than or equal to 1500.

    The Object Manager query performance, search engine footprint size, and Siebel Server specification are used in determining optimum Batch Submit Size.

    DSM Index Listener

    Set the value to http://<localhost>:<HTTP Port>/?index, where HTTP Port is the port of the DSM Listener. HTTP Port is defined when installing the Mobile Search client. The default value is:


    DSM Password

    This is the password that was created when installing the DSM client. See Installing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search for Siebel Remote.

    DSM Username

    This is the user name that was created when installing the DSM client. See Installing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search for Siebel Remote.


    This setting configures the marking of duplicates in the result set. Set the value to False.


    This setting configures the removal of duplicates from the result set. Set the value to True.


    This value configures the path of the DSM field mapping file SSC_DSM_Field-Mappings.xml on the Mobile client. Set the value to:



    This setting configures the inclusion of an estimate in the result for the number of records in the result set. Set the value to True.

    Shared Search UNC Location

    This is the Siebel Search Center location for storing configuration and XML data files. It is the parent directory of the Xmlidata directory. The address format is D:\fs\SSC.

    WebServer Address

    URL for the Search Service. The address format is http://localhost:<HTTP_Port>/. The default value is:


    XML Indexable Data Location

    This is the Siebel Search Center location where the XML feed files are temporarily stored for the DSM Listener to access and index. The path format is:


  3. Select Save Record on the list applet.
  4. Log out and log in to the Mobile Client for the changes to take effect.

NOTE:  The Siebel Server must be restarted every time a change is made to Search Engine Settings configuration.

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