Siebel Search Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Search with Oracle Secure Enterprise Search >

Installing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search

This topic covers Oracle Secure Enterprise Search installation and additional installation steps required for Siebel Search. Capture the Search and Administration URLs from the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search install wizard during the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search installation process, as these will be required for post-installation verification. The Administration Password will also be required when configuring the Search Engine Settings in the Siebel Search administration view. The examples in this guide use Siebel1 as the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administration Password. Make sure that the file RSS_Crawler_Configuration.xml is accessible to the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search engine and that the file Application_Suite_OSES_Field-Mappings.xml is accessible to the Siebel Server.

To install Oracle Secure Enterprise Search

  1. Complete the tasks in the Installation Tasks section of the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Installation and Upgrade Guide. Use the installation values in the following table.

    Search Server Name

    Set the value to SES.

    Administrative Password

    Set the value to siebel1.

    HTTP Port

    The default port can be used.

    Destination Path

    Set the value to D:\oracle\ses\ses version\OH.

    Data Storage Location

    Set the value to D:\oracle\ses\ses version\oradata.

  2. Create the Siebel Search Center Config directory under the Siebel File System on the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Server:
    • On Windows create the Config directory at D:\fs\SSC\Config\.
    • On UNIX create the Config directory at /export/home/fs/SSC/Config/.
  3. Copy the file RSS_Crawler_Configuration.xml from the Siebel Server to the SSC Config directory on the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Server:
    • On Windows copy the crawler file from siebsrvr\bin\ on the Siebel Server to D:\fs\SSC\Config/ on the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Server.
    • On UNIX copy the crawler file from siebsrvr/lib/ on the Siebel Server to /export/home/fs/SSC/Config/ on the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Server.
  4. Set the permissions for fs\SSC\Config\ to Full Control for Everyone.
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