Siebel Search Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Search with Oracle Secure Enterprise Search > Process of Setting Up the Business Component Source and Connector >

Configuring the Siebel Business Component Connector

This topic covers configuration of the business component connector settings for integration with Oracle Secure Enterprise Search.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up the Business Component Source and Connector.

To configure the Siebel business component connector settings for Oracle Secure Enterprise Search

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Search OSES screen, then the Search Connector Settings view.

    The Search Connector Settings List applet is displayed.

  2. Complete the business component connector fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Values are case-sensitive.


    This field is preconfigured and takes the value Bus Comp. Do not change the preconfigured value.

    Library Name

    This field is preconfigured and takes the value buscomp. Do not change the preconfigured value.

    Engine Name

    This field is preconfigured and takes the value OSES. Do not change the preconfigured value.

    Configuration URL

    This is the file URL of the crawler configuration file. Set the value to the location of the RSS_Crawler_Configuration.xml file on the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search server.

    • On Windows set the value to:


    • On UNIX set the value to:


    Feed Access User ID

    This is the User ID for accessing the RSS feeds that Oracle Secure Enterprise Search will crawl.

    • If you are using FTP indexing, then set the value to the User ID used to log into the FTP server where the XML feed files are generated. If the server has user accounts registered in multiple domains, then use the format Domain\UserID.
    • If you are using HTTP indexing, then set the value to the Siebel User ID used to access the Siebel EAI component.

    Feed Access Password is set in the Search Engine Settings view.

    Scratch Directory

    Create a Temp/ local directory on the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search server where status files can be temporarily written.


    Set the value to buscomp. This value is case sensitive.


    This field is preconfigured and takes the value

    Do not change the preconfigured value.


    This field is preconfigured and takes the following value:


    Do not change the preconfigured value.

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