Siebel Search Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Search with Oracle Secure Enterprise Search > Creating the Siebel Search Center Directory Structure on the Siebel Server >

Creating the Siebel Search Center Directory on Windows

This topic covers creating the Siebel Search Center directory structure on the Siebel Server for a Windows environment. The D:\fs\SSC directory on the Siebel Server will also be used as the FTP home directory.

To create the Siebel Search Center directory structure on Windows

  1. Create a directory for storing the XML feed files on the Siebel Server, for example, D:\fs\SSC\xmlidata.

    The XML feed files are generated at runtime and temporarily stored in the fs\SSC\xmlidata folder. The feed files are automatically deleted once indexing completes.

  2. Create a directory for storing the XML feed status files on the Siebel Server, for example, D:\fs\SSC\xmlidata\err.

    The XML feed status files are generated at run time, and indicate the error or success status of the crawl operation.

  3. Create a directory for storing the XML field mapping file on the Siebel Server, for example, D:\fs\SSC\Config.
  4. Copy the file Application_Suite_OSES_Field-Mappings.xml from the installation directory at siebsrvr\bin\ to the config directory at D:\fs\SSC\Config\.
    • Copy the file SSC_OSES_Field-Mappings.xml if you are using a Siebel application that operates across industries, such as Siebel Call Center, Siebel Sales or Siebel Marketing.
    • Copy the file SIA_OSES_Field-Mappings.xml if you are using a Siebel industry application, such as Siebel Finance, Siebel Medical, or Siebel Pharma.
  5. Copy the file Search_Engine_Config.xml from the installation directory to the config directory at D:\fs\SSC\Config\.

    NOTE:  Do not modify the contents of the file Search_Engine_Config.xml from the preconfigured settings.

  6. Set the permissions for D:\fs\ to Full Control for Everyone.
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