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Enabling and Disabling Quick Search Mode for the Search Results View

The search results can be configured to display either in Quick Search mode in the business component view on the right side of the screen, or in the Search Results view on the left side of the screen. The display options differ as follows:

  • Quick Search Mode. Displays the search results in the business component view on the right side of the screen, and bypasses the intermediate search results page. In this mode the list of search results are lost when the user drills down on an individual search result. Preview and Attach features are not available in this mode.
  • Results Retention Mode. Displays the Search results in the Search Results view on the left side of the screen. In this mode, the user can drill down on a record to get the detailed record information displayed on the right side of the screen, and the search results are retained on the left side. Preview and Attach features are available in this mode.

The Search results view is configured in Siebel Tools.

NOTE:  If Preview or Attach features are required, the search results must be configured to display in the Search Results view on the left hand side of the screen.

To enable or disable quick search mode for the Search Results view

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. Choose Tools, and then Lock Project, to lock the Search project.
  3. Select Applet in the Object Explorer.
  4. Query for Search lookin applet.
  5. Navigate to Applet User Prop.
  6. Configure the SamePage value as follows:
    • Set SamePage to FALSE to display the Search results in the business component view on the right hand side in Quick Search mode.
    • Set SamePage to TRUE, and GotoResultsView to Search lookin Results View, to display the Search results on the left under the Look-In panel.
  7. Navigate to Business Service.
  8. Query for Search External Service.
  9. Select Business Service User Property in the Object Explorer.
  10. Create the SamePage record.
  11. Configure the SamePage value as follows:
    • Set SamePage to FALSE to display the Search results in the business component view on the right hand side in Quick Search mode.
    • Set SamePage to TRUE, and GotoResultsView to Search lookin Results View, to display the Search results on the left under the Look-In panel.
  12. Compile the Siebel.srf file.
  13. Restart the Siebel Server.
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