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Siebel CRM Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Rev. A
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About Configuring Visibility of Pop-Up and Pick Applets

Configuring the visibility of pop-up and pick applets is one method of applying access control to data. Pop-up visibility determines what data is shown when a pop-up pick applet is displayed, for example, when a user associates a contact with an account, or adds a sales representative to the sales team.

Pop-up visibility is usually set using the Popup Visibility Type property of the business component object in Siebel Tools. When pop-up visibility is set in this way, any pop-up based on that business component will show the same data for all users.


This topic provides configuration background information. It does not provide detailed instructions for working in Siebel Tools. For information about using Siebel Tools, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

There are often circumstances where you need greater flexibility when determining what data is shown in pop-up pick applets. For example:

There are also many scenarios where it is appropriate that your partners have more restrictive visibility than your employees. In order to meet these business requirements, Siebel Business Applications have three capabilities that allow the developer to override the visibility set in the Business Component Popup Visibility Type property at the business component level in favor of another setting. The developer can:

About Setting Visibility of the Pick List Object Definition

Developers can override the visibility set at the business component level by setting a different visibility type on the Pick List object definition, in the Visibility Type property. When you do this, you override the visibility set at the business component level in a specific instance of that business component for all users of that instance.

For example, you might want partners to be able to add new fund requests and associate those fund requests with campaigns in which they participate. However, you want partners to see only campaigns to which they have access. You can configure a special picklist for this use, and set the visibility on that picklist to Sales Rep, so that partners can only select from accessible campaigns when associating to a fund request.

About Using the Visibility Auto All Property

For both Pick List Visibility Type and Business Component Pop-up Visibility Type, you can use the Visibility Auto All property to override the visibility type property. This property checks the current user's responsibility to see if it includes the All Across Organizations view based on the same business component. If the view is found, then this visibility type is overridden and the user will get All visibility on the object in question. Otherwise, the visibility type will not be overridden.

For example, if the pop-up visibility on the Opportunities business component is set to Organization with Auto All set to true, most users will see all opportunities for their own organization in an Opportunity pick applet. Users who also have access to the All Opportunities Across Organizations view will see all available Opportunities regardless of organization.

The Visibility Auto All property makes visibility consistent across views and pop-up pick applets. It can override any other visibility type, including Sales Rep, Manager, Organization, and so on. In addition to the Business Component and Pick List properties, the Visibility Auto All property can be set on the Link object as well. The Visibility Auto All property is often used for executives or administrative users, who would usually have access to all of the data in your Siebel application.

About Using the Special Frame Class and User Properties

The developer can use a special frame class and user properties to set visibility for a pick applet on the applet object depending on which application is being used. For example, if users are running Siebel Sales, then the Pick Positions applet for the sales team shows positions only for the user's organization. If users are running Siebel Partner Manager, then the applet shows the positions for the user's own organization and for the suborganizations (or child organizations) of that organization. This allows users to select positions for the partners they manage.

In order to override the pop-up visibility set at the business component level, the developer must make the following changes:

  • If the applet whose visibility is to be overridden is an association applet, then change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityAssoc.

  • If the applet whose visibility is to be overridden is a pick applet, then change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityPick.

  • If the applet whose visibility is to be overridden is an MVG applet, then change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityMvg.

  • Add an applet user property called Override Visibility, with the following values:

    • Name: Override Visibility: [Application Name]

    • Value: [Visibility Type] where the developer can choose from the standard visibility types

  • Set the business component user property Popup Visibility Auto All to FALSE.

The developer can also set visibility on an applet based on whether the user has access to a view or not. The developer must change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityPick and add the following user property to the applet:

  • Name: Override Visibility View: [View Name]

  • Value: [Visibility Type] where the developer can choose from the standard visibility types

For example, to override Campaign Pick Applet popup visibility to All if the user has access to the Campaign Administration List view, add the user property with the following values:

  • Name: Override Visibility View: Campaign Administration List

  • Value: All