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Siebel CRM Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Rev. A
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Parameters in the Gateway.cfg File

The gateway.cfg file contains the configuration parameters that determine how access to the Gateway Name Server is authenticated. Gateway Name Server authorization is required whether you use the Siebel Configuration Wizard, Siebel Server Manager, or other utilities to access the Gateway Name Server.


Authentication is not required for starting the Gateway Name Server, only for connecting to it.

The gateway.cfg file is located in the SIEBEL_ROOT\gtwysrvr\bin (Windows) or SIEBEL_ROOT/gtwysrvr/bin (UNIX) directory. The following gateway.cfg file parameters relate to authentication. These parameters are present by default or can be added to the configuration file for gateway authentication. They are grouped by the labeled sections in which they occur in the file. This listing does not include parameters in the gateway.cfg file that are not authentication-related.

You can use any plain text editor to add parameters and their values, or to change values for existing parameters. Changes to the gateway.cfg file are not active until you restart the Siebel Gateway Name Server.

Parameters in sections that directly pertain to security adapters apply only to Gateway Name Server authentication. These parameters are counterparts to the Siebel Gateway Name Server security adapter parameters listed in "Siebel Gateway Name Server Parameters".

Parameters in the [InfraNameServer] Section

The parameters in Table A-9 apply to Gateway Name Server authentication, whether you implement security adapter authentication or Web SSO authentication.

Table A-9 InfraNameServer Parameters in Gateway.cfg

Parameter Description

Enable Audit Trail

This parameter specifies whether or not all Gateway Name Server connections are logged. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then most accesses to the Gateway Name Server, including logins, writes, modifications, and deletions, are logged. If this parameter is set to FALSE, then only failed login attempts are logged. The default value of this parameter is TRUE.

The audit trail is located at the SIEBEL_ROOT\gtwysrvr/bin\nameserver_audit.log directory (Windows) or the SIEBEL_ROOT/gtwysrvr/bin/nameserver_audit.log directory (UNIX).


Defines the user role that is required to access the Gateway Name Server. The default role is Siebel Administrator.

Parameters in the [InfraSecMgr] Section

The parameters in Table A-10 are located in the [InfraSecMgr] section of the gateway.cfg file.

Table A-10 InfraSecMgr Parameters in Gateway.cfg

Parameter Description


Specifies the security adapter mode.

  • To use database authentication, specify DB.

    This is the default mode. The Gateway Name Server is configured to use database authentication by default.

  • To use LDAP authentication, specify LDAP.

  • To use Active Directory authentication, specify ADSI.

  • To use a custom security adapter, specify CUSTOM.


Specifies the security adapter name.

  • For database authentication, specify DBSecAdpt.

    This is the default value for the SecAdptName parameter.

  • For LDAP authentication, specify LDAPSecAdpt or a name of your choice.

  • For Active Directory authentication, specify ADSISecAdpt or a name of your choice.

  • For a custom security adapter, specify a name such as SecAdpt_Custom. You must add the applicable section to the gateway.cfg file yourself. For example, [SecAdpt_Custom].

Parameters in the [DBSecAdpt] Section

The following parameters are located in the [DBSecAdpt] section of the gateway.cfg file and are specified if you are configuring the database security adapter.

  • DBSecAdpt_SecAdptDllName

  • DataSourceName

  • DBSecAdpt_PropagateChange

For information on these parameters, see the descriptions for equivalent parameters in "Parameters for Database Authentication".

Parameters in the [DataSources] Section

The following parameters are located in the [DataSources] section of the gateway.cfg file and are used to specify the data sources for the security adapter you implemented and for the server.

  • ServerDataSrc. The data source used when database authentication is enabled.

  • LDAPSecAdpt. The data source used when LDAP authentication is enabled.

Parameters in the [LDAPSecAdpt] or [ADSISecAdpt] Section

The following parameters are located in the [LDAPSecAdpt] or [ADSISecAdpt] sections of the gateway.cfg file, according to whether you are configuring the LDAP or ADSI security adapter for Gateway Name Server authentication. The LDAP or ADSI sections are created in the gateway.cfg file if you specify LDAP or ADSI configuration values using the Siebel Configuration Wizard.

  • ApplicationPassword

    The ApplicationPassword must be encrypted. Clear text passwords are not supported in the [LDAPSecAdpt] section of the gateway.cfg file. For more information about encrypting passwords, see "Encrypting Passwords Using the encryptstring Utility".

  • ApplicationUser

  • BaseDN

  • CRC

  • CredentialsAttributeType

  • HashAlgorithm

  • HashDBPwd

  • HashUserPwd

  • PasswordAttributeType (LDAP only)

  • PasswordExpireWarnDays (ADSI only)

  • Port

  • PropagateChange

  • RolesAttributeType

  • SaltAttributeType

  • SaltUserPwd

  • SecAdptDllName

  • ServerName

  • SharedCredentialsDN

  • SharedDBPassword

    The SharedDBPassword must be encrypted. Clear text passwords are not supported in the [LDAPSecAdpt] section of the gateway.cfg file.

  • SharedDBUsername

  • SiebelUsernameAttributeType

  • SingleSignOn

  • SslDatabase

  • TrustToken

  • UseAdapterUsername

  • UsernameAttributeType

  • WalletPassword

For information on these parameters, see the descriptions for equivalent parameters in "Parameters for LDAP or ADSI Authentication".