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Siebel CRM Siebel Security Hardening Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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Implementing Personal Visibility for the User Profile View

This topic outlines how to strengthen the security of the User Profile View by enforcing personal access control to the view. This ensures that access to the data in the view is restricted to the user whose person record is associated with the data in the database. To enforce personal access to a view, you must set the Visibility Type of the view to Personal. This task is described in the following procedure.


It is recommended that you set the Visibility Type to Personal for all View applets that contain sensitive information.

To implement personal visibility to the User Profile View 

  1. Start Siebel Tools.

  2. In the Object Explorer, click the View object type.

    The Views list appears.

  3. Query for the User Profile Default View view.

  4. Confirm that the property settings are set as follows:

    • Visibility Applet. Set to User Profile Form Applet.

    • Visibility Applet Type. Set to Personal.

  5. In the Object Explorer, expand the View object type, select View Web Template, expand the View Web Template object type, and then select the View Web Template Item object type.

  6. In the Object List Editor, select the User Profile Form Applet object.

  7. Lock the object, then change the property setting to the following:

    Applet Visibility Type. Set to Personal.

  8. Navigate to Business Component in the Object Explorer.

  9. Query for Employee.

  10. Lock the object.

  11. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Component object, then select the BusComp View Mode object.

  12. Create a new record with the following property values.

    Field Value
    Name Personal
    Owner Type Person
    Visibility Field Row Id

  13. Compile the SRF.

For additional information on configuring access control, see Siebel Security Guide.