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Siebel CRM Siebel Security Hardening Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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Port Allocations for Siebel CRM Release 8.x

The port allocations that are assigned by default during the installation of Oracle's Siebel Business Applications for the Siebel Server and Siebel Web server are shown in Table B-1. It is recommended that you change the default ports used by these components.


In a Siebel Business Applications deployment, DNS servers use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 53 and Kerberos defaults to port 88.

Table B-1 Default Port Allocations for Siebel Business Applications

Siebel Component Port Number Comments

Web Server

80 and 443

Port 80 is used for standard Web traffic. If encryption is implemented, then port 443 is used.

Gateway Server


Load-balancing components use port 2320.

Siebel Server


SCBroker listens on port 2321. For information on SCBroker, see Siebel System Administration Guide and Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.

Siebel Server

49150 and higher (dynamic allocation of ports)

49149 and lower (static allocation of ports)

49152 to 49250 (dynamic ports listening on Siebel Servers)

Siebel Business Applications use dynamic allocation of ports for the server-based components. Static port allocation is also supported.

The dynamic port allocation starts from port number 49150 onwards. If you choose to assign static ports to the components, then make sure that you choose ports below port number 49150. Dynamic ports can go up to port number 65535. These ports have to be opened on Siebel Servers.

The Siebel system administrator allocates a port to a specific Siebel component.

Synchronization Manager



Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Server

Allocated by the system administrator.

Ports must be opened for the Siebel EAI and Workflow components. The Siebel system administrator allocates these ports.

SMTP Mail Server



FTP Port



Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Server

389 and 636

Port 389 is used for standard communications. Port 636 is used for secure communications.

Active Directory Server

389, 636, 3268, and 3269

Port 389 is used for standard communications. Port 636 is used for secure communications.

Port 3268 is used for the Global Catalog and port 3269 is used for the Global Catalog with TLS.

Siebel Server or Siebel database


Port 1521 is used for communications between the Siebel Server and Oracle database.

Siebel Server or Siebel database


Port 1433 is used for communications between the Siebel Server and Microsoft SQL Server database.

Siebel Server or Siebel database


Port 5000 is used for communications between the Siebel Server and IBM DB2 database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

File Server

139 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

137 and 138 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Port numbers for communications between the Siebel Server and the Siebel File System and Database Server are dependent on the file system type. The default TCP port number is 139. The default User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port numbers are 137 and 138.

Search Server

