Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks > Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications >

Monitoring Servers with Siebel Native Load Balancer or Third-Party HTTP Load Balancers

The Siebel native load balancer and most third-party HTTP load balancers support server health monitoring. To set up server health monitoring, you configure the load balancer to send an HTTP GET request to the server URL.

This task confirms that the Siebel Server is running on the specified server computer and that SCBroker is listening at the specified port. This health check does not verify that specific Application Object Managers or other server components are running on the computer.

CAUTION:  Do not use TCP Health Check. It might connect to SCBroker and remain connected until the SCBroker component parameter ConnRequestTimeout expires. During this period, SCBroker cannot handle new user-session requests.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications.

To set up monitoring for a Siebel Server

  • Configure the load balancer to send an HTTP GET request to the server URL.

    Here is an example URL:



    • SiebSrvr1 is the Siebel Server host name or IP address.
    • 2321 is the port number for the Siebel Connection Broker (SCBroker). This port number is the default.
    • sieb16 is the Siebel Enterprise Server name.
    • SCBroker is the Siebel Connection Broker server component.

      If the Siebel Server and Siebel Connection Broker are running, then Siebel Connection Broker returns the string: SCBroker OK.

Guidelines for Setting Up Server Monitoring

Use the following guidelines when you set up server monitoring:

  • On the Siebel Servers that you want to monitor, set the Default Tasks and Maximum Tasks parameters for SCBroker to 2. These settings provide two instances of SCBroker, which helps prevent monitoring requests from delaying handling of user requests.
  • Use HTTP 1.0 to do health checks. It terminates connections to SCBroker quickly.
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