Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks > Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server >

Granting User Permissions on the Web Server

After installing the SWSE on a Web server running on UNIX, take the following steps.

This topic is part of Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server.

To modify permissions on all operating systems

  • Verify that the Web server administrator has read and execute permissions for all of the SWSE directories and files.
  • Verify that the SWSE process owner (such as the httpd daemon) has recursive read, write, and execute permissions for the SWSE_ROOT/public directory. This directory contains the files for the Web image publishing and file caching features.

To modify permissions on Apache-based Web servers

  1. Make sure that the login running the Web server has the following permissions for the scripts installed with the SWSE. On Oracle HTTP Server, such permissions must apply to the script OHS_ROOT/opmn/bin/opmnctl for starting and stopping the Web server.
    • Read, write, and execute privilege
    • Write permission for the log file path
    • Read-write permissions to files in SWSE_ROOT/public

      CAUTION:  If you use port 1 to 1024, then you must have root privileges to start the Web server (for applicable Web servers). If you do not have or need root privileges, then use a port number greater than 1024. Verify that your port number is available by using a command like the following:

    netstat -a | grep port_number

  2. Install the SWSE, as described in Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension. Run the installer program under a user account that can modify Web server configuration files.
  3. Verify that the account the Web server httpd daemon uses has the following privileges:
    • Write permissions for the SWSE_ROOT/log directory. Typically, to do so, you must change the permissions for the appropriate directory.
    • Recursive read and write permissions to all of the files in the SWSE_ROOT/public and SWSE_ROOT/public/enu directories.

To modify permissions on Oracle iPlanet Web Server

  1. Verify that you have installed the required version of Oracle iPlanet Web Server, as documented in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
  2. After the correct version of the Oracle iPlanet Web Server is installed, use the Oracle iPlanet Web Server administration console to create a Web server instance. You can find the administration console at:


    In this path, Oracle_iPlanet_Web_Server_install is the root directory of the Oracle iPlanet Web Server.

  3. In that directory, run ./start to start the Admin Web Server instance if it is not running.
  4. Open a Web browser instance and enter a URL like the following:



    • ComputerName is the name of the local computer on which the Web server resides
    • PortNumber is the port number of the Admin Web Server

      The Oracle iPlanet Web Server administration console is displayed in the browser window.

  5. In the Web server administration console, choose Add Server. Enter the following values required to define the new instance of the Web server:

    Server Name. This value can be any name, but is usually the host name of the computer, as in

    Server Port. The port number on which you want to run this Web server.

    CAUTION:  If you use port 1 to 1024, then you must have root privileges to start the Web server. If you do not have or need root privileges, then use a port number greater than 1024. Verify that your port number is available by using a command like the following:

    netstat -a | grep port_number

    Server Identifier. This value can be any name, but is usually identified as computer_name.

    Server User. Usually either root or the system user based on which port that you choose and which user that you want to control the Web server instance.

    MTA Host. Accept the default.

  6. Verify that the account the Oracle iPlanet Web Server httpd daemon uses has the following privileges:
    • Recursive read, write and execute permissions for all of the files and subdirectories in the SWSE_ROOT/log and SWSE_ROOT/public directories.
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