Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks > Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications >

Generating the Load Balancing Configuration File (lbconfig.txt)

The load balancing configuration file provides virtual server definitions for Siebel load balancing. It also provides URLs for writing connection rules for third-party HTTP load balancers.

You must generate a load balancing configuration file (lbconfig.txt) in the following situations:

  • Before configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), when you are using Siebel native load balancing. Configuring the SWSE means applying the SWSE logical profile that you created as part of Siebel Enterprise configuration.
  • When you require URLs for routing rules as part of configuring a third-party HTTP load balancer.
  • When you add or remove a Siebel Server and you are using either Siebel native load balancing or a third-party load balancer.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications.

Generating and Using the lbconfig.txt File

Follow the procedure that follows to generate the lbconfig.txt file and to use it with your Siebel Web Server Extension.

NOTE:  If you have modified or optimized the existing lbconfig.txt file, such as by creating multiple virtual server definitions, then you lose these changes when you generate the file. To prevent this result, save your modified file under a new name, regenerate the lbconfig.txt file, then copy your changes from your modified file to the newly generated file.

To generate the lbconfig.txt file

  1. On a Siebel Server, start the Server Manager at the Siebel Enterprise level (do not use the /s option), and enter the following command:

    generate lbconfig

    This step generates the lbconfig.txt file. The file is created in the admin subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

  2. Review the generated lbconfig.txt file to verify that virtual server definitions do not include any Siebel Servers that will not participate in load balancing.
  3. Manually edit the lbconfig.txt file. Remove any Application Object Managers that were disabled, or add comment characters to disable the applicable entries.
  4. Configure the SWSE logical profile to be used with Web servers that will participate in Siebel native load balancing.

    For more information about creating and applying the SWSE logical profile, see Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension.

  5. Copy the lbconfig.txt file into the SWSE logical profile directory.
  6. Configure the installed SWSE by applying the SWSE logical profile.

    The SWSE Configuration Wizard retrieves the lbconfig.txt file from the logical profile directory.

  7. Restart the Web server.

Types of Connection Rules Provided by the lbconfig.txt File

The lbconfig.txt file provides three types of connection rules: component rules, server rules, and round-robin rules. These rule types are mandatory: you must include all three types when you configure the load balancer.

Most load balancers allow you to associate a virtual IP address and virtual port number with a group of load balancing rules. They also allow you to define servers as resources and to create groups for them. The procedure in Setting Up a Third-Party HTTP Load Balancer outlines general steps for setting up load balancers for Siebel Servers.

Consequences of Incomplete Configuration of Connection Rules

Incomplete configuration of the connection rules has the following consequences:

  • Not configuring round-robin rules can cause login failures.
  • Not configuring server rules can cause unexpected session termination.
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