Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension >

Installing the Web Server

Before installing the SWSE, you must install, configure, and start the supported Web server software on the designated computers. Follow the vendor documentation for this task, and also see relevant information in this chapter.

For the best performance and scalability, put the Web server on a dedicated computer.

Some Web server configuration tasks are also included in Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server.

This topic is part of Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension.

Planning the Web Server Topology

Before you install the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), as described in Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension you must decide how to will distribute the Web servers and other components. Two basic methods are as follows:

  • Single-node. Installing Siebel Enterprise Server components and your Web server and SWSE on a single computer or node. (If you do this, then use separate installation directories to avoid file permission problems at installation time.)
  • Distributed. Distributing the preceding components, where multiple Web servers connect to multiple Siebel Servers in the Siebel Enterprise. These Web servers can be dynamically balanced for Application Object Manager components on different Siebel Server computers.

Each deployment choice involves a trade-off. However, in enterprise-sized deployments, it is strongly recommended that you use a distributed node deployment for the following reasons:

  • Less resource contention. Distributing the Web servers and the Siebel Servers (with Application Object Manager components) on different computers eliminates contention for CPU and other server resources. However, to take advantage of the performance improvement, you must have a high-speed network connection between the two computers.
  • Higher fault tolerance. Operating multiple instances of components on multiple computers reduces downtime and the effect of failure on any one computer.
  • Greater flexibility with firewalls. Putting the Web components of Siebel Business Applications on a different computer from the Siebel Server with Application Object Managers lets you deploy your Web server in the DMZ while keeping the Siebel Enterprise Server behind a secure firewall.
  • High availability. A multinode configuration is required for deployments that support large numbers of concurrent users or where high availability is an operating requirement.

For more information about Web servers and Siebel Web Server Extension, see About the Siebel Web Server Extension.

See also Siebel Deployment Planning Guide and Siebel Security Guide.

Installing Microsoft Internet Information Services Version 7 or Later

Native support is provided for Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 7 or later. You must include the ISAPI extensions.

On Microsoft IIS 7.5 and later, you must enable 32-bit applications for the application pool defaults in order to support Siebel Business Applications. For more information about this issue, see 1340948.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support and see documentation from Microsoft.

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