Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Monitoring Siebel Server Run-Time Operations >

About Component Job States

After the creation of a component job, it is always in one of the states in the following list. For more information about starting component jobs, see Siebel System Administration Guide. For more information about monitoring component job status, see Monitoring Component Job Status.

  • Creating. Indicates the component job record is in the process of being defined.
  • Queued. Indicates the component job record was started and is scheduled to run. The component job field Scheduled Start defines when the component job runs.
  • Active. Indicates the scheduled component job is running.
  • On Hold. Indicates the component job is on hold and will not run at the Scheduled Start time. Only component jobs in the queued state can be put on hold.
  • Cancelled. Indicates the component job is cancelled. Only component jobs in the queued or on hold state can be cancelled.
  • Canceling. Indicates the component job is in the process of being cancelled.
  • Error. Indicates the component job ran, but encountered an error during operation.
  • Success. Indicates the component job ran and completed successfully.
  • Completed. Indicates that repeating component jobs completed successfully.
  • Expired. Indicates the component job has expired. The component job field Expiration Date defines when the component job expires.
  • Parent Request Cancelled. Indicates the first component job of a repeating component job was cancelled. The first component job of a repeating component job is considered the parent job.
  • Parent Request On Hold. Indicates the first component job of a repeating component job is on hold. The first component job of a repeating component job is considered the parent job.
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