Siebel Territory Management Guide > Activating and Maintaining Territory Alignments >

Viewing and Editing Rules for Individual Territories

After a territory alignment has been scheduled or activated for the first time for a hierarchy, the Rules list is populated for individual territories, according to the rules set up in the Alignments view.

These territory records contain the (master) rules that are used by Assignment Manager to make changes to the database. When the alignment is rolled out or when the Assignment Rule Group is rerun for maintenance (as described in Using the Periodic Runs Workflow to Maintain Territory Alignments), Assignment Manager reads and applies these rules.

This Rules list for individual territories can be used to:

  • View the current rules for a territory
  • View the expired rules for a territory (to view a history of the territory.)
  • Make changes to rules for a territory

If you do make changes to rules for individual territories, remember that these changes are not reflected in the alignment record. If you do need to make a change to a territory rule, it is good practice to similarly update the alignment. To do this, you need to copy the original alignment, update the rules, and then rerun the alignment so that you have an alignment whose results are the same as what is rolled out to the sales force.

To view or edit rules for individual territories

  1. Navigate to the Siebel Territory Management screen, then the Territories List view.
  2. Drill down on the territory record.
  3. Depending on the type of rule you want to view or edit, click one of the links in the lower link bar.

    CAUTION:  Only make edits for objects where rules already exist. For example, if there are already contact rules in an alignment, you can add another contact rule to a territory and the rule will be applied. However, if there are no contact rules for the alignment, you can add the rule, but it does not take effect because no assignment rule group has been created for contacts for that alignment.

Some buttons are described in the following table.



Use this button to move rules from the current territory to another territory. You are prompted for an expiration date (the day you want the rules to move) and the territory you want the rules to move to. The Move button behaves in the following ways:

  • Expired rules (and rules set to expire before the move date) are not moved.
  • Rules that are current on the move date are set to:
    • Expire on the move date for the current territory
    • Start on the move date for the destination territory
  • Rules that start in the future are:
    • Deleted from the current territory
    • Moved to the destination territory


Use this button to set the effective end date for selected records.

Expire All

Use this button to set the end date for all records in the list.

NOTE:  You cannot view conditions that have been created for the territory, except through the Assignment Manager user interface.

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