Siebel Developer's Reference > Business Component User Properties > Controlling Parent and Child Relationships >

Updating the Parent Business Component if Siebel CRM Modifies Children

The OnAddAssocUpdateParent: buscompname user property updates a parent business component with the value that Siebel CRM sets in a child business component if it associates an account or contact with this child business component. The value for this user property must use the following format:

"Condition1", "ParentBCField1", "[ChildBCField1]" or "Expression1", "ParentBCField2", "[ChildBCField2]" or "Expression2", ...


  • ParentBCFieldn identifies a field that resides in the parent business component that Siebel CRM updates if it evaluates Conditionn to TRUE.
  • ChildBCFieldn identifies the business component field where you set this user property. Siebel CRM uses the value of this field to update the parent business component field.
  • Expressionn contains an expression that determines the value that Siebel CRM uses to update the parent business component field. An IIf statement is an example of this expression.

You can configure Siebel CRM to modify the value for this user property, create a new instance of it, or deactivate it.

For more information, see How This Book Describes the User Property Format.

Example of Updating the Parent Business Component if Siebel CRM Modifies Children

For example, the OnAddAssocUpdateParent: Action user property on the Contact business component contains the following value:

"[Account Id] IS NULL", "Account Id", "IIf([Account Id] IS NULL OR [Account Id] = 'No Match Row Id','',[Account Id])"

If a user chooses a contact for an activity, and if Siebel CRM does not already associate an account with the parent activity, then Siebel CRM also chooses the account from the contact for the activity. If an account is associated with the contact, then Siebel CRM does not set an account for the activity.

In this example, the OnAddAssocUpdateParent: Contact user property that resides in the Account business component contains the following value:

"[Account Id] IS NULL OR [Account Id] = 'No Match Row Id'", "Account Id", "[Id]", "Primary Address Id", "[Primary Address Id]"

If Siebel CRM associates an account with a contact, then it sets the primary address of this account as the primary address for the contact.

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