Siebel Developer's Reference > Business Component User Properties > Controlling Siebel CRM Data >

Controlling Campaigns

This topic describes business component user properties that you can use to control campaigns.

Copying Contacts to Campaigns

The Copy Contact user property copies contact associations to a campaign if the user modifies the status of the campaign from Planned to Active. Siebel CRM uses this user property with the DBM Campaign business component. The value for this user property must contain a Boolean value. If TRUE, and if a user modifies the status of a campaign from Planned to Active, then Siebel CRM copies all of the contact associations for the planned campaign to the active campaign.

Specifying Group Only Visibility in Campaigns

The Group Visibility Only user property specifies that Siebel CRM use only group visibility in the campaign. The value for this user property must contain a Boolean value. If TRUE, then Siebel CRM uses only group visibility and you must set the Group Visibility user property to FALSE. Setting the Group Visibility user property to FALSE makes sure Siebel CRM deactivates the Buscomp View Mode user property so that it does not cause an inner join to the S_SRC_POSTN table.

Specifying Group Plus Team Visibility in Campaigns

The Group Visibility user property uses group plus team visibility in a campaign. The value for this user property must contain a Boolean value. If TRUE, then Siebel CRM uses group plus team visibility.

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