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Navigation Control Tag

The nav-control tag implements navigation control. It uses the following format:

  • Screenbar that first-level navigation uses:

    <swe:nav-control type="Screen With Category" style="Tab" indentWidth="integer"/>

  • Drop-down list that second-level navigation uses:

    <swe:nav-control type="Category View" style="Select"/>

  • Detail view that third-level navigation uses:

    <swe:nav-control type="type" style="Tab" indentWidth="integer" anchorTab="Enabled or Disabled"/>


  • type, style. Specifies the type and style. You can use the values that the following table describes.

    Category View


    Displays a visibility dropdown list. Applies to visibility control.

    Detail Category


    Displays view navigation control that includes category tabs but no links below the tabs.

    Applies to separate view and subview navigation control.

    Detail Category View


    Displays subview navigation control that includes view tabs. Applies to separate view and subview navigation control.

    Detail Category With View


    Displays view navigation control that includes category tabs and a set of links below the tabs. Applies to view navigation control.

    Screen With Category


    Displays screen tabs that includes category links below the tabs. Applies to view navigation control.

  • indentWidth. Specifies the number of pixels to indent the row of tabs. Applies to screen and detail view tabs.
  • anchorTab. Enables or disables smart view anchoring.

First-Level Navigation Example

The CCScreenbar_Tabs.swt template includes the following code:

<swe:if condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsHighInteractive">
<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsHtmlMarkup">
<swe:nav-control type="Screen With Category" style="Tab" indentWidth="8"/>

Second-Level Navigation Example

The CCFormButtonsTop.swt template includes the following code:

<swe:if-var name="Parent">
<swe:if condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsHighInteractive">
<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsViewPosition, 'Position:2'">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>
<td class="AppletTitle" nowrap>
<swe:nav-control type="Category View" style="Select"/>

Third-Level Navigation Example

The CCViewbar_Tabs_DropList.swt template includes the following code:

<swe:if condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsHighInteractive">
<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsHtmlMarkup">

<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsViewPosition, 'Position:3'">

<table class="tier3Back" width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr valign="top"><td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="3"></td></tr></table>

<swe:nav-control type="Detail Category With View" style="Tab" indentWidth="30" anchorTab="Enabled"/>



Support for the Navigation Control Tag Across Siebel CRM Versions

This book describes support for the nav-control tag starting with Siebel CRM version 7.7 in high interactivity mode. Before Siebel CRM version, if a user action or navigation causes Siebel CRM to refresh the current view or to display a new view, then it anchors the result at the top of the page, by default. This behavior might disorient the user in some situations. For example, assume the user clicks a view tab to navigate to a new view and this user expects that Siebel CRM will display detail information, such as attachments, in the bottom part of the target view. Assume the user views the lower part of a view where the parent applet uses more than a full window height. In this situation, the user must scroll to display the view details.

Starting with Siebel CRM version in high interactivity mode:

  • The smart view anchoring feature solves these problems. It anchors and adjusts the scroll position in a view after the user does something that causes Siebel CRM to modify or refresh a view. For example, if the user clicks a view tab, then Siebel CRM does not modify the location where it displays this tab.
  • Siebel CRM enables view anchoring, by default. You can disable this behavior for third or fourth level view navigation that the user starts when the user clicks a view tab. To do this, you set the anchorTab property of the SWE template that the view uses to Disabled.
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