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XSL Stylesheet Tag

The xsl-stylesheet tag specifies the name of the XSLT stylesheet (EXtensible Stylesheet Language) on the XML output document. It uses the following format:

<swe:xsl-stylesheet name= "table.xsl" mode= "process"/>


  • name. Specifies the name of the stylesheet.
  • mode. You can use one of the following values:
    • Process. SWE processes XSLT on the XML output, and then sends the transformed document back to the client.
    • Embed. SWE inserts an XML processing instruction in the beginning of the XML document that Siebel CRM uses for external XSLT processing.

      For more information, see the topic about manipulating Siebel XML with XSL stylesheets and XSLT in XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

The style sheet must reside in the following directory:


Each view template contains only one xsl-stylesheet tag. If the view contains more than one xsl-stylesheet tag, then SWE uses the last tag that this view contains.

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