Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Upgrading the Siebel Database > Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows >

Importing Newly Created Records from the Data File on Windows

This task is a step in Process of Deleting Unshipped Languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL Table on Windows. Import the data file that you created when you backed up the S_LIST_OF_VAL table. This procedure is required to upgrade additional languages (those that were not available or were skipped during the primary upgrade).

Note the following:

  • Depending on which data you have exported, how you set up the input file, and which options you use on the command line, you can import data for multiple languages at once or for one language at a time, or import data based on other criteria.
  • In order to import data for only particular languages, for example, you must first use filtering mechanisms when you export the data, so that only those languages are to be included in the data file.
  • If you use the /e N command-line option for dataimp, then dataimp only imports the data that was originally exported from the tables specified in the input file. If you instead use /e Y, then the dataimp imports the contents of the entire data.

To import newly created records from the data file on Windows

  1. Create a text file that will serve as the input file for the Siebel dataimp utility.

    The contents of the file must be formatted as follows (replacing lang_code tokens with actual values that represent the environment):


    where LANG_ID in ('lang_code1', ..., 'lang_codeN')

  2. Save the file with the extension .INP.
  3. From the Windows command prompt window, navigate to the siebsrvr\bin directory.
  4. From the siebsrvr\bin directory, execute a command like the following to run the Siebel dataimp utility (replacing $ tokens with actual values that represent the environment):

    dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $SiebelTableOwner /f $DataFileName.dat /h Log /e N /i $InputFileName.inp /A 1

  5. Check the log file for errors.
  6. Connect to the database using a database client that allows you to run SQL interactively, to verify that the imported records are there.

    For example, you execute the following query:

    select count (LANG_ID), ACTIVE_FLG from S_LST_OF_VAL where LANG_ID = 'lang_code' group by ACTIVE_FLG;

    If the result set returns both active and inactive records, then you must investigate and see why some records have been deactivated, and either re-activate or delete these inactive records.

Related Topics

About the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities

Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

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