Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Upgrading the Siebel Database >

Renaming the Siebel Repository

Environments: Development environment only. (Also Production environment on UNIX)

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

NOTE:  To prevent a naming conflict, before you run the upgrade, you must rename your existing development repository (Siebel Repository) to Prior Customer Repository. After the upgrade, your new development repository is given the name Siebel Repository.

To rename the repository

  1. Start Siebel Tools and connect to the Siebel database.

    Use the version of Siebel Tools for the Siebel CRM release from which you are upgrading.

  2. If you archived repository objects as .sif files, and you want to have them available in your application, then import these archive files back into the repository.

    If you do not check these objects back into the repository, then they will not be upgraded. You need only to check in those archived objects that you need in the future and want to have available in your upgraded application.

  3. From the View menu, choose Options.
  4. Click the Object Explorer tab.

    The Object Explorer hierarchy displays.

  5. Locate Repository in the list, put a check mark in the adjacent box, and then click OK.

    This exposes the repositories.

  6. In the Object Explorer, click the Types tab, and then Click Repository.
  7. In the Repositories list view, verify that your existing repositories do not use the names reserved for the upgrade process:
    • New Customer Repository
    • New Siebel Repository
  8. Locate your current Siebel Repository in the list applet.
  9. Click the name and change it to Prior Customer Repository.

    For more information about renaming repositories, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

  10. Step off the list to commit the record to the database.

    If the validation check fails, then verify that you have renamed the repository correctly.

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