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About the Siebel Database Upgrade Log Files

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows and UNIX only. Does not apply to IBM z/OS.

The Upgrade Wizard writes log files that provide detailed information on the upgrade processes, for example development-environment upgrep and upgphys. These log files provide detailed information on the upgrade steps, and they also list all errors. The Logparse utility analyzes and summarizes these log files.

Upgrade Wizard Log Files

The Upgrade Wizard writes the log files for a process to the following directory:



In these paths, PROCESS specifies UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION by default.

For example, the log files for a Siebel development environment upgrep process appear in the following locations:

Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\upgrep_dev_versionnumber

UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/upgrep_dev_versionnumber

You can select a different directory for the log files, by specifying a value for the Log Output Directory option in the Database Configuration Wizard. This option is for specifying a different subdirectory, under the log directory, in which to create the log files.

Each subdirectory in the log directory contains the following files:

  • output. This subdirectory contains the Upgrade Wizard log files.
    • upgwiz.log (srvrupgwiz.log on UNIX). The Upgrade Wizard log for the process. This log contains detailed information on how the Upgrade Wizard ran. If you run the process more than once, the log name increments, for example upgwiz2.log or srvrupgwiz2.log.
    • Windows only. Log files with the name upgwizn(nnn) can be ignored. For example, upgwiz1(001).log, upgwiz1(002).log, and so on.
    • Windows only. Log files with the name sw_cfg_xxx can be ignored. (These are located in the log directory.)
    • UNIX only. Log files with the name srvrupgwizn_nnn can be ignored. For example, srvrupgwiz1_01.log, srvrupgwiz1_02.log, and so on.
    • Log files with the name siebel.log can be ignored.

      TIP:   Each upgrade process, for example, a development upgrep, has a driver file located in DBSRVR_ROOT\platform\upgrade\version. An example of a driver file: driver_upgrep_dev_81.ucf. The Upgrade Wizard performs the steps in the driver file. If a step calls a utility, such as ddlimp or dataimp, then the /l option in the command syntax specifies the name of the log file. Unless you modified the output location for the log file, it is located at siebsrvr\log\process.

  • state. This subdirectory contains the state.log file.
    • state.log. The state.log file lists each step in the upgrade process and whether the step completed successfully.

      The output and state log file directories are automatically archived on subsequent runs of a process that completes successfully. (The names of subsequent log directories are appended with _1, _2, and so on.) To preserve disk space, periodically delete or save log directories to another location.

  • summary. This subdirectory is generated by the Logparse utility. The Logparse utility also generates a report that summarizes the upgrade, summary.html. The summary.html file contains links to the html pages in the summary subdirectory.
  • summary.html. This HTML file is created by the Logparse utility. It summarizes the log files in the output directory. Use this file to verify that all upgrade steps completed successfully and to determine whether there were any errors.
  • summary.txt. This text file is created by the Logparse utility. This file contains the same information as summary.html.

    NOTE:  If a browser is not installed on the computer you are using, then review summary.txt instead of summary.html.

  • summary.xml. This file is produced by the Logparse utility during production upgrades and used by the Siebel Upgrade Tuner to parallelize table creation and index creation and to inactivate SQLs that affect no rows. (Development upgrades do not produce a summary.xml file.)
  • upgtuner_ftp_get.txt. (UNIX Only). This file is produced by the Logparse utility during production upgrades. You can use this file to transfer the upgrade scripts from your UNIX computer to a Windows temporary directory to perform upgrade tuning. (Development upgrades do not produce upgtuner_ftp_get.txt.)
  • upgtuner_ftp_put.txt. (UNIX Only). This file is produced by the Logparse utility during production upgrades. After you tune your production upgrade scripts, you can use this file to transfer the upgrade scripts from the temporary directory on your Windows computer back to your UNIX environment. (Development upgrades do not produce upgtuner_ftp_put.txt.)

The Logparse Utility

For each upgrade process, the Logparse utility analyzes the log files in siebsrvr\log\process. It then summarizes the log files and provides several reports. The Logparse reports provide the following information.

Parameters Report

The Parameters report lists the total time required for the upgrade process. It also lists environment variables and input files used by the upgrade process. Use this report to verify that the upgrade was set up correctly.

Step/Error Summary

The Step/Error Summary lists each step in the upgrade process and whether it completed successfully. It also provides a link to a detailed step summary for each step.

The detailed step summary lists database errors returned by the Upgrade Wizard, SQL scripts, and errors returned by the upgrade utilities called by the driver files, such as ddlimp, and dataimp.

For Oracle Database and IBM DB2, the detailed step summary lists only unacceptable errors that must be corrected. The summary does not list benign errors.

For Microsoft SQL Server, the detailed step summary lists all errors, including benign errors. An errors file (errors.xls and errors.rtf) is provided that lists benign errors for each database type. When you find an error in the summary.html file, you must compare it with the error file to determine whether it is benign.

Performance Report

The performance report provides a list of the longest running SQL scripts and a list of SQL scripts returning no rows. The lists include a link to each script. Upgrade Tuner uses this information as input to help you tune upgrade performance.

The report also provides two lists of DDL commands executed during the upgrade process. The DDL Summary lists the tables that were created, altered, or deleted by the ddlimp utility. The Native DDL Summary lists tables that were created, altered, or deleted by SQL scripts and includes a link to each script.

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