Using Siebel Tools > Checking Out and Checking In Projects and Objects > Customizing Projects >

Renaming Projects

You can rename only a project in the server repository. You cannot rename a project in the local repository. You cannot modify the name of a top-level object that is checked out. For information about top-level object types, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

To rename projects

  1. Make sure developers check in all projects.
  2. Log in to Siebel Tools, connected to the server repository.
  3. Click the File menu, Open Repository, and then choose the repository that you want to modify.
  4. In the Object Explorer, click Project.
  5. In the Projects list, locate the project that you want to modify.

    For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

  6. Lock the project, and then modify the Name property.

    CAUTION:  Do not modify the value in the Name property of a predefined project. A predefined project is a project that comes with Siebel CRM. All projects that appear in the Projects list immediately after you install Siebel CRM but before you do any customization are predefined projects. For more information, see About Predefined Objects.

  7. Request each developer to do a Get of all projects that reside in the server repository.
  8. Request each developer to do a full compile the next time each of these developers does a compile.

    For more information, see Compiling Your Modifications.

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