Using Siebel Tools > Localizing Strings and Locale Data > Configuring Locale Data >

Fixing Orphaned String References After an Upgrade

An upgrade from one release of Siebel CRM to another release can result in some string references disappearing. The Fix Strings Utility allows you to locate these orphaned strings and update them with new references. This utility uses the Siebel Tools Fix String References business service and the FixStringReferences business service method.

To fix orphaned string references after an upgrade

  1. Navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.
  2. Open a Windows command line.
  3. Enter the following command:

    consoleapp config_file app_lang user_Id password "Siebel Tools Fix String References""FixStringReferences:Repository=repository_name,PriorRepository=prior_repository_name,LogFile=log_file_name.log,FixReferences=true_or_false,VerboseOutput=true_or_false,Object=object_type"

    Use the values from the following table.



    Specify the path to and name of the Siebel Tools configuration file.


    Specify the current language, such as ENU.


    Specify the user Id for the repository that this utility searches.


    Specify the password for the repository that this utility searches.


    Required. Specify the name of the repository that includes the string references to fix.


    Specify the name of the repository that your deployment used before the upgrade. If you set the FixReferences parameter to TRUE, then you must include the PriorRepository parameter.


    Required. Specify the name of the log file. This utility writes this log file to the current working folder. You can enter an explicit path for this log file.


    You can set this parameter to one of the following values:

    • TRUE. Fix invalid references.
    • FALSE. Save invalid references to the log file. This is the default value.


    You can set this parameter to one of the following values:

    • TRUE. Write progress information to the command line.
    • FALSE. Do not write progress information to the command line. This is the default value.


    Specify the object type, such as Applet. The utility finds invalid string references that this object type references. If you do not include this parameter, then the utility finds invalid string references for all object types.

Example Commands That Fix Orphaned String References After an Upgrade

The following example runs the utility for the Business Service object type, writes progress output to the command line, and writes information to the fixstrings.log file:

consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\enu\tools.cfg ENU jgolding db2 "Siebel Tools Fix String References" "FixStringReferences:Repository=Siebel Repository,LogFile=fixstrings.log,FixReferences=false,VerboseOutput=true,Object=Business Service"

The following example runs the utility for all object types and writes the results to the fixstrings.log file:

consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\enu\tools.cfg ENU jgolding db2 "Siebel Tools Fix String References" "FixStringReferences:Repository=Siebel Repository,LogFile=d:\temp\fixstrings.log,FixReferences=false"

For more information, see About the Configuration Files.

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