Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories > Managing Modifications That Developers Make to Repositories >

How Siebel Tools Associates Repository Modifications with One or More Developers

Object tagging is a feature that Siebel Tools uses to associate repository modifications with one or more developers. You can use it to export all the work that a group of developers performs. For example, you work on a development team named ABC that includes three developers. Object tagging allows you to extract all the work that the ABC team performs. To identify a developer as part of this group, each developer chooses the ABC tag in the Tag Name field in the login dialog box when the developer logs in to Siebel Tools. For information about exporting the objects that a developer tags, see Exporting Only Modified Objects to an Archive.

How Object Tagging Indicates Modifications at the Object Definition Level

An object tag uses an object definition to track any modifications that the developer makes to this definition. It does not use the properties of an object definition to track these modifications. For example, a developer uses different tags to modify the properties of the following items:

  • Same object definition. If this developer creates an SDF for either tag, then this SDF includes all the modifications for this object definition. For more information about the SDF, see How Siebel Tools Minimizes Processed Data During Exports and Imports.
  • Different object definitions. If this developer creates an SDF for either tag, then this SDF includes only the modifications for the tag that the developer was using when this developer did the modification.

In the following examples, Siebel Tools assigns the Tag1 and Tag2 tags to Developer1.

User Modifies Properties of the Same Object Definition

If a user uses two different tags to modify properties of the same object definition, then the SDF includes each of these modifications. For example, Developer1 does the following work:

  • Logs in to Siebel Tools and chooses Tag1 during the login.
  • Sets the Force Active property of the First Name field of the Account business component to Y, and then logs out.
  • Logs in to Siebel Tools and chooses Tag2 during the login.
  • Sets the Required property of the First Name field of the Account business component to Y, and then logs out.
  • Creates an SDF for Tag1.

    In this example, Developer1 used different tags to modify different properties of the same object definition, so this SDF indicates that the Force Active property of the First Name field is Y, and that the Required property of the First Name field is Y.

User Modifies Properties of Different Object Definitions

If a user uses two different tags to modify properties of different object definitions, then the SDF includes only one of these modifications. For example, Developer1 does the following work:

  • Logs in to Siebel Tools and chooses Tag1 during the login.
  • Sets the Force Active property of the First Name field of the Account business component to Y, and then logs out.
  • Logs in to Siebel Tools and chooses Tag2 during the login.
  • Sets the Required property of the Last Name field of the Account business component to Y, and then logs out.
  • Creates an SDF for Tag1.

    In this example, Developer1 used different tags to modify the properties of two different object definitions, where one object definition exists for the First Name field, and another, different object definition exists for the Last Name field. So this SDF indicates only that the Force Active property of the First Name field is Y. It includes no information about the Last Name field.

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