Siebel Email Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Communications Server for Siebel Email Response > Administering Communications Inbound Receiver >

Activity Attachments Stored for Incoming Messages

For each inbound email message that Communications Inbound Receiver or Communications Inbound Processor processes, an activity record is created by using the Email - Inbound activity type. The original email content is saved in the form of one or more attachments to this activity record.

The entire original email message content (the entire MIME-encoded message that the POP3 or IMAP server receives) is saved in an attachment file named Original_Msg.txt.

If the original message is more than 16,000 characters long (including any HTML markup), then the full message is saved as another attachment named SiebelLongEmailBody.txt (for plain-text messages) or SiebelLongEmailBody.htm (for HTML messages).

If the original message is less than 16,000 characters long (including any HTML markup), then you can save the SiebelLongEmailBody attachment by setting the Save Email Body as Attachment user property for the Mail Agent Activity business component to TRUE.

Additional files might be created and saved as attachments to the activity, depending on the existence of embedded message content and on the setting of the Parse Embedded Messages parameter for the communications driver. For more information about this parameter, see Parameters for Internet SMTP/IMAP Server Driver and Internet SMTP/POP3 Server Driver.

Note the following behavior for different settings of the Parse Embedded Messages parameter:

  • When Parse Embedded Messages is FALSE, the following behavior applies:

    For each embedded message, a single attachment file is created that contains the entire MIME embedded message. This file is named EmbeddedMsgpartspecifier.eml, where partspecifier represents the file's placement in the original message's structure, for example, EmbeddedMsg01.eml, EmbeddedMsg3.4.eml, and so on. You can open these files using any application that can read an EML file, such as Microsoft Outlook Express.

  • When Parse Embedded Messages is TRUE (the default), the following behavior applies:
    • For a plain-text email message, all text components are saved in one or more attachment files. These files are named textplainpartspecifier.txt, where partspecifier represents the file's placement in the original message's structure, for example, textplain01.txt, textplain3.4.txt, and so on.
    • For an HTML email message, all HTML components are saved in one or more attachment files. These files are named texthtmlpartspecifier.htm, where partspecifier represents the file's placement in the original message's structure, for example, texthtml01.htm, texthtml3.4.htm, and so on.
    • Any attachments to the original email message are also saved as attachments to the activity record. These files have their original file names.
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