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Clib Copy String Method

The Clib Copy String method copies characters from one string to another string. It returns the ASCII code of the first character of the string that you specify in the destString argument. You can write code that copies from one part of a string to another part of the same string.


Clib.strncpy(destString, sourceString, maxLen)

This method uses the same arguments as the Clib Append String method. For more information, see Clib Append String Method. Note the following differences that the Clib Copy String method performs:

  • The number of characters it copies is the lesser of the value of the maxLen argument and the length of the sourceString argument.
  • If the value that the MaxLen argument contains is greater than the length of the value that the sourceString argument contains, then it fills the remainder of the destination string with null bytes.
  • If the string you specify in the destString argument is not defined, then it defines this string.
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