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Clib Close File Method

The Clib Close File method writes to disk the data that currently resides in the buffer for a file. It then closes this file. It returns one of the following values:

  • If successful, then it returns the following value:


  • If not successful, then it returns the following value:


The file pointer is no longer valid after this call.



The arguments for this method are the same as the arguments for the Clib Clear Error method. For more information, see Arguments for the Clib Clear Error Method.


The following example creates and writes to a text file, and then closes this file. It also tests for an error condition. If an error occurs, then it displays a message and clears the buffer:

function Test_Click ()
   var fp = Clib.fopen('c:\\temp000.txt', 'wt');
   Clib.fputs('abcdefg\nABCDEFG\n', fp);
   if (Clib.fclose(fp) != 0)
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText('Unable to close file.' +
         '\nContents are lost.');

For more information, see Clib Clear Buffer Method.

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