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About Contacts in Siebel Public Sector

When users complete the registration process in Siebel Public Sector eService, a contact record is automatically created for them in the Siebel Public Sector application. When users are registering, if the value that they select in the User ID field already exists in the Siebel Public Sector application, then an error message appears. They must select a different value to complete the registration process.

Siebel Public Sector eService uses only the User ID field to uniquely identify a contact. Consequently, a user can register multiple times using different values in the User ID field and the same values in other fields, such as First Name, Last Name, and SSN. In this case, multiple contact records for the same user are created in the Siebel Public Sector application. Agents can manually delete these duplicate records. You can use tools for master data management, such as Oracle's Siebel Universal Customer Master (UCM), to automatically identify and display duplicate contact records. For more information about tools for master data management, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference.

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