oakcli modify database

Use the oakcli modify database command to modify the database type or size class for a named database.


oakcli modify database -db db name [-dbtypeOLTP|DSS|in-Memory] [-to dbSizeclass] 


Parameter Description

-db db-name

Identifies the database being modified.

-dbtype OLTP|DSS|in-Memory

(Optional) Changes the database type. The parameter dbtype takes one of the following three options:

  • OLTP

    : Online transaction processing
  • DSS

    : Decision support system
  • in-Memory: Oracle Database In-Memory

-to dbclass

(Optional) Changes the database size class.


(Optional) Displays help for using the command.

Usage Notes


When you resize the database, the redo log file size is not modified automatically. Change the size of the redo log manually to the size that you require for your applications.

Example 4-3 Modifying the Database Type

Here are examples of how to use the oakcli modify database command.

Change the database type assigned to the database dbhome_1 to a DSS database:

oakcli modify database DB dbhome_1 -dbtype DSS

Example 4-4 Modifying the Database Size

Change the database size for the database named dbhome_1 to a 6-core CPU Oracle Database Appliance DSS database template:

oakcli modify database dbhome_1 -to odb-06