About the Oracle Database Appliance OAKCLI Utility

Manage and maintain Oracle Database Appliance components using the Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Utility (OAKCLI).

Oracle Database Appliance provides its own command-line tool, OAKCLI, to manage all components on the system. Use OAKCLI commands for the following tasks:

  • Create, upgrade, and patch databases

  • Create and upgrade Oracle homes

  • Create and modify database creation parameter files

Many tasks related to managing Oracle Databases are also required with databases on Oracle Database Appliance. Tasks common to Oracle Database generally are described in the Oracle Database documentation library. However, to simplify database creation and related tasks, use the OAKCLI utility. The OAKCLI utility combines the capabilities of the SYS database administrator role and the operating system Superuser (root user). Always perform administrative tasks using the OAKCLI utility.