Upgrading to Oracle Database from Oracle Database Releases

Use this example to understand steps required to upgrade Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) releases on Oracle Database Appliance.

You use Oracle Appliance Manager (OAKCLI) to upgrade Oracle Database installations. In this scenario, you have upgraded the Oracle Database Appliance infrastructure and Oracle Grid Infrastructure to Oracle Database Appliance patch set, but you have not upgraded Oracle Database installations. This procedure describes how to upgrade Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) databases.

The Oracle Database Appliance patch set upgrade for Oracle Database uses a new numbering sequence. The Oracle Database upgrade for Oracle Database Appliance patch set is

Before you start this procedure, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Completed running the Oracle Database Appliance patch set update for infrastructure and Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

  • Configured at least one Oracle Database Appliance database home for release

You configure an Oracle Database home using Oracle Appliance Manager, either as part of your patch set update initially, or as a manual procedure using the command oakcli create dbhome. You can run multiple Oracle Database instances on one Oracle Database home, to save storage space and obtain greater ease of management, or you can run Oracle Database instances in individual Oracle Database homes, for greater flexibility.

You must always have an Oracle Database Appliance database home for the database release to which you want to upgrade.In a new deployment, a new Oracle Database home is set up for you automatically. If you are updating from an earlier release, then you must create at least one Oracle Database home manually using oakcli create dbhome.

  1. If necessary, download the RDBMS Clone Patch from My Oracle Support, and create an Oracle Database home on Node 0 for Oracle Database release

    For example:

    # /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli create dbhome -version

  2. Run the command oakcli show dbhomes.

    The output appears similar to the following example:

    Oracle HomeName  Oracle Home Version                Oracle HomeLocation                       Database Name    Database Type
    ---------------  -------------------                -------------                             -------------    -------------
    OraDb11204_home1,17592127)      /u01/app/oracle/product/ db1                    RAC
  3. Run the command oakcli show databases on Node 0 only. Review the output of this command to confirm that you have databases with the appropriate release number for this upgrade.

    The following example shows that there is one database,db1, which is a database that is not an upgraded from release, and that is patched to a level from which you can upgrade (

    # oakcli show databases
    Name Type     Storage  HomeName         HomeLocation                               Version
    ---- ----     -------  --------         ------------                               -------
    db1 RAC        ACFS    OraDb11204_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/,17592127)
  4. Upgrade databases by running the command oakcli upgrade database on Node 0.

    Run the command on Node 0 only. Provide names of databases that you want to upgrade, and provide names of database homes where you want the upgraded databases placed. Run the command with the following options, where database is the name of the database that you want to upgrade, and dbhome is the name of the Oracle home where you want the upgraded database to be placed:

    oakcli upgrade database -db database -to dbhome

    The following example shows how to upgrade the database db1 identified in step 3 as an upgrade candidate, and how to place the upgraded database in the new database home, OraDb12102_home2, which is also identified in step 3:

    # oakcli upgrade database -db db1 -to dbhome12102_home2.

  5. After the upgrade command completes running, run the command oakcli show databases on Node 0 again.

    The command and output should now look similar to the following example:

    Name Type     Storage  HomeName         HomeLocation                               Version
    ---- ----     -------  --------         ------------                               -------
    db1 RAC        ACFS    OraDb12102_home2 /u01/app/oracle/product/,21948344)  

    The database db1 is now in release, and the database home name is now OraDB12102_home2, which is in the path /u01/app/oracle/product/