oakcli stordiag

Use the oakcli stordiag command to run diagnostic tests on a disk in the storage shelf or storage expansion shelf. The tool produces a list of 14 disk checks for each node.


oakcli stordiag resource_type [n| [-h] 


Parameter Description


Prefix that depends on the configuration. See "Usage Notes."


(Optional) Disk number (starting with 0 and increasing to one less than the number of disks)


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

Select the value for resource_type based from one of the following options:

  • On Oracle Database Appliance Version 1, use d.

  • On Oracle Database Appliance with a single storage shelf, use pd_.

  • On Oracle Database Appliance with an expansion storage shelf, use e0_pd_ for a disk in the storage shelf and use e1_pd_ for a disk in the expansion storage shelf.

For Oracle Database Appliance systems that have internal storage, use the format d_[..] to identify the disk to be diagnosed. For Oracle Database Appliance systems that have connected a storage shelf (and optional storage expansion shelf), use the format e[0..1] pd_[0..23] to identify the disk to be diagnosed.


Runs the diagnostic tests on disk 3 in the expansion storage shelf:

# oakcli stordiag e1_pd_3
 Node Name : hr0
 Test : Diagnostic Test Description
   1  : OAK Check
        NAME          PATH          TYPE          STATE         STATE_DETAILS
        pd_03         /dev/sdw      HDD           ONLINE        Good    
   2  : ASM Check  
. . .
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